What does the name Tsubasa mean? What is the meaning of the name Tsubasa?
Meaning of Tsubasa: Name Tsubasa in the Japanese origin, means Refers to section or extension.. Name Tsubasa is of Japanese origin and is a Girl name. People with name Tsubasa are usually Buddhist by religion.
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Famous people with name Tsubasa (Namesakes)
- Tsubasa Imai
Tsubasa Imai (今井 翼, Imai Tsubasa, born October 17, 1981) is a Japanese retired singer, actor and dancer formerly in the Japanese agency Johnny & Associates.
- Tsubasa Fukuchi
Tsubasa Fukuchi (福地翼, Fukuchi Tsubasa, born February 7, 1980) is a Japanese manga artist, best known for being the creator of The Law of Ueki and its sequel, The Law of Ueki Plus.
- Tsubasa Yokotake
Tsubasa Yokotake (横竹 翔, Yokotake Tsubasa, born August 30, 1989) is a Japanese football player and captain of Kochi United SC of the Shikoku Soccer League.
- Tsubasa Otomiya
Tsubasa Otomiya (音宮 つばさ, Otomiya Tsubasa, born June 20, 1978 in Tokyo) is a Japanese voice actress.
- Tsubasa Yonaga
Tsubasa Yonaga (代永 翼, Yonaga Tsubasa, born January 15, 1984) is a Japanese voice actor and singer who works for Ken Production.
- Tsubasa Oshima
Tsubasa Oshima (大島 翼, Ōshima Tsubasa, born December 9, 1983) is a former Japanese football player.
- Tsubasa Honda
Tsubasa Honda (本田 翼, Honda Tsubasa, born June 27, 1992, in Tokyo) is a Japanese actress and model.
- Tsubasa Kuragaki
Yasuko Kuragaki (倉垣 靖子, Kuragaki Yasuko, born December 7, 1975) is a Japanese professional wrestler better known by the ring name Tsubasa Kuragaki (倉垣 翼, Kuragaki Tsubasa).
- Tsubasa Aizawa
Tsubasa Aizawa (會澤 翼, Aizawa Tsubasa, born April 13, 1988 in Hitachi, Ibaraki, Japan) is a professional Japanese baseball player.
- Tsubasa Endoh
Tsubasa Endoh (遠藤 翼, Endō Tsubasa, born August 20, 1993) is a Japanese professional footballer who plays as a forward for Toronto FC in Major League Soccer.
- Tsubasa Nihei
Tsubasa Nihei (二瓶 翼, Nihei Tsubasa, born September 10, 1994) is a Japanese football player.
- Tsubasa Suzuki
Tsubasa Suzuki (鈴木 翼, Suzuki Tsubasa, born April 26, 1994) is a Japanese football player for Nara Club.
- Tsubasa Aoki
Tsubasa Aoki (青木 翼, Aoki Tsubasa, born November 17, 1993 in Shizuoka, Shizuoka) is a Japanese football player for FC Gifu.
- Tsubasa Yoshihira
- Tsubasa Terayama
Tsubasa Terayama (寺山 翼, Terayama Tsubasa, born April 10, 2000) is a Japanese football player.
- Tsubasa Adachi
Tsubasa Adachi (足立 翼, Adachi Tsubasa, born September 6, 2000) is a Japanese football player.
- Tsubasa Nishi
Tsubasa Nishi (西翼, Nishi Tsubasa, born 8 April 1990) is a Japanese footballer who plays for Daegu FC as a midfielder.
- Tsubasa Hasegawa
Tsubasa Hasegawa (長谷川 翼, Hasegawa Tsubasa, born 8 February 1994) is a Japanese speed skater who competes internationally.
- Tsubasa Kubo
Tsubasa Kubo (久保 飛翔, Kubo Tsubasa, born November 10, 1993) is a former Japanese football player.
- Tsubasa Mitani
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 11
Baby Name Tsubasa Numerology: Name Tsubasa has a number value of 11 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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