What does the name Trudy mean? What is the meaning of the name Trudy?
Meaning of Trudy: Name Trudy in the German origin, means A person who is having mighty strength in the spear.. Name Trudy is of German origin and is a Girl name. People with name Trudy are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Trudy (Namesakes)
- Trudy Groenman
Trudy Groenman (born 15 January 1944) is a Dutch former tennis player.
- Trudy Benson
Trudy Benson is an abstract painter who lives and works in Brooklyn, NY.
- Trudy Lynn
- Trudy Haynes
Trudy Haynes (born November 23, 1926) is an American news reporter.
- Trudy Mackay
Trudy Frances Charlene Mackay (born 10 September 1952) is the director of Clemson University's Center for Human Genetics located on the campus of the Greenwood (S.C.) Genetic Center.
- Trudy Camilleri
Trudy Camilleri (born 16 September 1991) is an Australian football (soccer) player who last played for Sydney FC in the Australian W-League.
- Trudy Ruth
Geertruida Hendrika "Trudy" Ruth (born 20 May 1950) is a retired Dutch sprinter.
- Trudy Burke
Trudy Burke (born 15 April 1991) is an Australian association football player, who currently plays for Sydney FC in the Australian W-League.
- Trudy Kerr
Trudy Kerr (born 3 January 1963) is an Australian-born jazz musician, teacher, radio presenter and label owner.
- Trudy Govier
Trudy Rose Govier (born August 3, 1944) is a Canadian philosopher known for her work in informal logic and argumentation.
- Trudy Harrison
Trudy Lynne Harrison (born 19 April 1976) is a British Conservative Party politician.
- Trudy Wade
Trudy Wade (born July 18, 1951) is an American politician who served in the North Carolina Senate from the 27th district from 2013 to 2019.
- Trudy McIntosh
Trudy McIntosh (born 30 July 1984) is an Australian artistic gymnast.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Trudy Numerology: Name Trudy has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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