What does the name Toussaint mean? What is the meaning of the name Toussaint?
Meaning of Toussaint: Name Toussaint in the French origin, means Who was born on the All Saints' Day. Name Toussaint is of French origin and is a Boy name. People with name Toussaint are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Toussaint (Namesakes)
- Marie Toussaint
- Minou Toussaint
Minou Toussaint (7 October 1983) is a former Dutch woman cricketer.
- Lorraine Toussaint
Lorraine Toussaint (; born April 4, 1960) is a Trinidadian-American actress and producer.
- Jean-Philippe Toussaint
Jean-Philippe Toussaint (29 November 1957, Brussels) is a Belgian novelist, photographer and filmmaker.
- Beth Toussaint
Elizabeth "Beth" Toussaint (born September 25, 1962) is an American actress and model.
- Philippe Toussaint
Philippe Toussaint (born 30 June 1949) was one of Belgium's most successful golfers.
- Jean Toussaint
Jean Toussaint (born July 27, 1960) is an American jazz tenor and soprano saxophonist.
- Edward Toussaint
Edward Toussaint, Jr. (born October 7, 1941) is an American lawyer and judge from Minnesota.
- Andre Toussaint
Andre Toussaint (born August 26, 1981) is a Trinidadian football player.
- David Toussaint
David Toussaint (born April 23, 1964) is an American writer, commentator, theatre critic, playwright and author.
Toussaint is also a contributor to HuffPost.
- Fitzgerald Toussaint
Fitzgerald D'Andre Toussaint (born May 4, 1990) is a former American football running back.
- Touki Toussaint
Dany Gilbert Kiti "Touki" Toussaint (; born June 20, 1996) is a Haitian-American professional baseball pitcher for the Atlanta Braves of Major League Baseball (MLB).
- Toussaint Fouda
Toussaint Fouda (born 1 November 1958) is a Cameroonian former cyclist.
- Lucas Toussaint
Lucas Toussaint (born 29 March 1996) is a French footballer who currently plays for Quevilly-Rouen.
- Kira Toussaint
Kira Toussaint (born 22 May 1994) is a Dutch competitive swimmer who specializes in backstroke.
In the semifinals of the 2012 European Short Course Championships in Chartres, France, she broke the Dutch record in the 100 meter backstroke (short course) with a time of 57.16 s.
- Aisha Toussaint
Aisha Toussaint (born 5 August 1995) is a Seychellois actress and presenter.
- Tiffanny
Do you know any famous people named Toussaint, let us know and we would update the information.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Toussaint Numerology: Name Toussaint has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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