What does the name Tomohiro mean? What is the meaning of the name Tomohiro?
Meaning of Tomohiro: Name Tomohiro in the Japanese origin, means A huge or broad wisdom or knowledge. Name Tomohiro is of Japanese origin and is a Boy name. People with name Tomohiro are usually Christianity, Buddhist by religion.
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Famous people with name Tomohiro (Namesakes)
- Tomohiro Ueyama
Tomohiro Ueyama (上山 友裕, Ueyama Tomohiro, born 28 August 1987) is a Japanese Paralympic archer from Higashiōsaka, Osaka Prefecture, Japan.
- Tomohiro Nishimura
Tomohiro Nishimura (西村 智博, Nishimura Tomohiro, born February 2, 1961), professionally using the Kanji 西村 朋紘, is a Japanese actor, voice actor, and singer.
- Tomohiro Kaku
Tomohiro Kaku (郭智博, Kaku Tomohiro, born September 5, 1984) is a Japanese actor.
- Tomohiro Miyoshi
Tomohiro Miyoshi (三好 智弘, Miyoshi Tomohiro) (born July 13, 1970 in Kanagawa, Japan) is a retired Japanese male butterfly swimmer.
- Tomohiro Tsuda
Tomohiro Tsuda (津田 知宏, Tsuda Tomohiro, born May 6, 1986) is a Japanese football player currently playing for Nagano Parceiro.
- Tomohiro Kondo
Tomohiro Kondo (Japanese: 近藤智弘, born 17 June 1977) is a Japanese professional golfer.
- Tomohiro Hasumi
Tomohiro Hasumi (蓮見 知弘, Hasumi Tomohiro, born June 6, 1972) is a former Japanese football player.
- Tomohiro Wanami
Tomohiro Wanami (和波 智広, Wanami Tomohiro, born April 27, 1980) is a Japanese football player.
- Tomohiro Maruyama
Tomohiro Maruyama (born 7 March 1958) is a Japanese professional golfer.
- Tomohiro Yamauchi
Tomohiro Yamauchi (山内 智裕, Yamauchi Tomohiro, born September 5, 1987) is a Japanese football player.
- Tomohiro Nagatsuka
Tomohiro Nagatsuka (長塚智広, Nagatsuka Tomohiro, born November 28, 1978) is a Japanese cyclist.
- Tomohiro Ishii
Tomohiro Ishii (石井 智宏, Ishii Tomohiro, born December 10, 1975) is a Japanese professional wrestler, currently signed to New Japan Pro-Wrestling.
- Tomohiro Kuroki
Tomohiro Kuroki (黒木 知宏, born December 13, 1973 in Hyūga, Miyazaki, Japan) is a former Nippon Professional Baseball pitcher.
- Tomohiro Anraku
Tomohiro Anraku (born November 4, 1996) is a Japanese professional baseball pitcher for the Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles of Nippon Professional Baseball (NPB).
- Tomohiro Tanaka (footballer)
Tomohiro Tanaka (田中 智大, Tanaka Tomohiro, born January 10, 1991 in Fukuoka) is a Japanese football player.
- Tomohiro Abe
Tomohiro Abe (安部 友裕, Abe Tomohiro, born June 24, 1989 in Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan) is a professional Japanese baseball player.
- Tomohiro Kamiyama
Tomohiro Kamiyama (神山 智洋, Kamiyama Tomohiro, born 1 July 1993, in Hyōgo Prefecture) is a Japanese actor, tarento and idol.
- Tomohiro Ohmura
Tomohiro Ohmura (大村 朋宏, Ōmura Tomohiro, born 3 April 1975, in Gotemba, Shizuoka) is a Japanese comedian who performs boke in the double act Total Tenbosch.
- Tomohiro Hirakawa
Tomohiro Hirakawa (~, Hirakawa Tomohiro, born 1 September 1990) is a Japanese former footballer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Tomohiro Numerology: Name Tomohiro has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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