What does the name Toft mean? What is the meaning of the name Toft
Meaning of Toft: Name Toft means Small farm. Name Toft is a Boy name. People with name Toft are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Toft (Namesakes)
- Søren Toft Hansen
Søren Toft Hansen (born 24 October 1992) is a Danish badminton player.
- Henrik Toft
Henrik Toft (born 15 April 1981 in Christiansfeld) is a Danish professional footballer, who currently plays for club Kolding BK.
Toft is known as a powerful striker, who is known for his height (1.96) and therefore also his great heading ability.
- Henrik Toft Hansen
Henrik Toft Hansen (born 18 December 1986) is a Danish handball player for Paris Saint-Germain and the Danish national team.
He is the younger brother of René Toft Hansen.
- René Toft Hansen
René Toft Hansen (born 1 November 1984) is a Danish professional handballer who plays for Portuguese club Benfica and the Denmark national team.
- Sandra Toft
Sandra Toft Galsgaard (born 18 October 1989) is a Danish handball goalkeeper for Brest Bretagne Handball and the Danish national team.
- Ulrika Toft Hansen
Ulrika Maria Toft Hansen, born Ågren, (born 13 July 1987) is a Swedish handball player for Paris 92 and previously the Swedish national team.
She participated at the 2011 World Women's Handball Championship in Brazil and the 2012 Summer Olympics, and was a national team player between 2011 and 2017.
- Rolf Toft
Rolf Toft (born 4 August 1992) is a Danish footballer and he is currently on a free agent .
- Martin Toft Madsen
Martin Toft Madsen (born 20 February 1985 in Birkerød) is a Danish cyclist, who currently rides for UCI Continental team BHS–PL Beton Bornholm.
- Christian Toft
Christian Toft (born 14 December 1968) is a Danish swimmer.
- Sofie Blichert-Toft
Sofie Blichert-Toft (born 31 March 1994) is a Danish handball player who currently plays for Skanderborg Håndbold.
- Majbritt Toft Hansen
Majbritt Toft Hansen (born 27 April 1993) is a Danish handball player who currently plays for Aarhus United.
She is the younger sister of René Toft Hansen and Henrik Toft Hansen, and the older sister of Allan Toft Hansen (da) and Jeanette Toft Hansen (da), who has also played for Aarhus United.
- Henning Toft Bro
Henning Toft Bro (born October 23, 1956 in Thyborøn) is a Danish prelate currently being the Bishop of Aalborg, Denmark.
- Mathilde Rivas Toft
Mathilde Rivas Toft (born 16 April 1997) is a Norwegian handballer who plays for Molde HK.
She also represented Norway in the 2016 Women's Junior World Handball Championship, placing 5th.
- Erik Thorsteinsen Toft
Erik Thorsteinsen Toft (born 14 November 1992) is a Norwegian handball player, who plays for Mors-Thy Håndbold.
- Rob Toft
Robert Peter "Rob" Toft (born 23 November 1949) is a Dutch field hockey player.
- Henrik Kromann Toft
Henrik Kromann Toft (born 11 July 1968) is a Danish archer.
- David Toft (cricketer)
David Penn Toft (born 1 March 1945) is an English former first-class cricketer.
Do you know any famous people named Toft, let us know and we would update the information.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Toft Numerology: Name Toft has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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