What does the name Tiziano mean? What is the meaning of the name Tiziano
Meaning of Tiziano: Name Tiziano in the Italian origin, means The honoured one. Name Tiziano is of Italian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Tiziano are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Tiziano (Namesakes)
- Tiziano Andrei
Tiziano Andrei (born 1 January 1998) is an Italian football player.
- Tiziano Ferro
Tiziano Ferro (Italian pronunciation: [titˈtsjaːno ˈfɛrro]; born 21 February 1980) is an Italian singer-songwriter, producer and author.
- Tiziano Sclavi
Tiziano Sclavi (born April 3, 1953 in Broni) is an Italian comic book author, journalist and writer of several novels.
- Tiziano Bruzzone
Tiziano Bruzzone (born 19 August 1984 in Pisa) is an Italian Association football player who currently plays for Orvietana in Italy's Serie D, having once been on the books at Cagliari in Serie A, though he never made a first team appearance.
- Tiziano Dall'Antonia
- Tiziano Polenghi
Tiziano Polenghi (born 26 September 1978) is an Italian former professional footballer who played as a defender.
- Tiziano Maggiolini
Tiziano Maggiolini (born 2 April 1980) is an Italian former professional footballer.
- Tiziano Pasquali
Tiziano Pasquali (born 14 July 1994) is an Italian rugby union footballer who plays for Treviso.
- Tiziano Gemelli
Tiziano Gemelli (born 2 November 1961 at Pavia, Italy) is an Italian male retired sprinter, who participated at the 1987 World Championships in Athletics.
- Tiziano Tulissi
Tiziano Tulissi (born 21 July 1997) is an Italian football player.
- Tiziano Treu
Tiziano Treu (born 22 August 1939) is an Italian politician and academic, former Minister of Labour and Social Security and Minister of Transports and current president of the National Council for Economics and Labour.
- Tiziano Tagliani
Tiziano Tagliani (born 10 March 1959 in Ferrara) is an Italian politician.
He is a member of the Democratic Party and he was elected Mayor of Ferrara on 23 June 2009.
- Tiziano Motti
Tiziano Motti (born February 7, 1966) is an Italian musician and politician.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Tiziano Numerology: Name Tiziano has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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