
What does the name Tigran mean? What is the meaning of the name Tigran?

Meaning of Tigran: Name Tigran in the Persian, Armenian origin, means Shooting or fighting with arrows. Name Tigran is of Persian, Armenian origin and is a Unisex name. People with name Tigran are usually Islam, Muslim by religion.

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Shooting or fighting with arrows
1 word with 6 characters
Pythagorean Numerology
Indian Vedic Numerology
Nakshatra (Birth Star)
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Meaning and Origin

Meaning and Origin
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Famous people with name Tigran (Namesakes)

  1. Tigran Torosyan

    Tigran Torosyan (Armenian: Տիգրան Սուրիկի Թորոսյանը), born April 14, 1957 in Yerevan, was the President of the National Assembly of Armenia from 2006 to 2008.

  2. Tigran Vardanjan

    Tigran Vardanjan (born 26 March 1989) is a former competitive figure skater who represented Hungary.

  3. Tigran Gharabaghtsyan

    Tigran Gharabaghtsyan (Armenian: Տիգրան Ղարաբաղցյան, born 6 June 1984 in Yerevan, Soviet Union) is a retired Armenian football striker.

  4. Tigran Keosayan

    Tigran Edmondovich Keosayan (Armenian: Տիգրան Քեոսայան, Russian: Тигран Эдмондович Кеосаян; born January 4, 1966, Moscow) is a Russian film director, actor and writer of Armenian origin.

  5. Tigran Sargsyan

    Tigran Suren Sargsyan (Armenian: Տիգրան Սուրենի Սարգսյան, born 29 January 1962) is an Armenian political figure who was Prime Minister of Armenia from 2008 to 2014.

  6. Tigran Petrosyants

    Tigran Petrosyants (Armenian: Տիգրան Պետրոսյանց, born on 23 December 1973 in Yerevan, Soviet Union) is a former Armenian football midfielder.

  7. Tigran Khzmalyan

    Tigran Khzmalyan (also known as Xmalian) (Armenian: Տիգրան Խզմալյան) is an independent Armenian filmmaker, screenwriter and producer.

  8. Tigran L. Petrosian

    Tigran Levonovich Petrosian (Armenian: Տիգրան Լևոնի Պետրոսյան; born September 17, 1984) is an Armenian chess player who holds the title of grandmaster (2004).

    A two-time national Champion, he competed in two Chess Olympiads winning team gold in 2008 and 2012.

  9. Tigran Kotanjian

    Tigran Kotanjian (Armenian: Տիգրան Քոթանջյան; born September 1, 1981) is an Armenian chess grandmaster.

  10. Tigran Mansurian

    Tigran Yeghiayi Mansurian (Armenian: Տիգրան Եղիայի Մանսուրյան; born 27 January 1939) is a leading Armenian composer of classical music and film scores, a National Artist of the Armenian SSR (1990) and honored art worker of the Armenian SSR (1984).

  11. Tigran Hamasyan

    Tigran Hamasyan (Armenian: Տիգրան Համասյան; born July 17, 1987) is an Armenian jazz pianist.

  12. Tigran Gharamian

    Tigran Gharamian (Armenian: Տիգրան Ղարամյան, born 24 July 1984) is an Armenian-French chess grandmaster.

  13. Tigran Maytesian

    Tigran Maytesian (Russian: Тигран Дереникович Майтесян; born November 10, 1970) is an Armenian-born Russian-Belgian classical violinist, Doctor of Arts.

  14. Tigran Davtyan

    Tigran Davtyan (Armenian: Տիգրան Դավթյան, born 10 June 1978) is an Armenian football midfielder.

  15. Tigran Mkrtchyan

    Tigran Mkrtchyan (Armenian: Տիգրան Մկրտչյան; born 29 May 1978 in Yerevan, Armenian SSR) is an Armenian diplomat, historian and political scientist.

  16. Tigran Gyokchyan

    Tigran Gyokchyan (in Armenian Տիգրան Գյոկչյան, in Western Armenian Տիգրան Կէօքճեան; born January 3, 1965) is a Lebanese Basketball coach who currently coaches the Lebanese women's national basketball team , and was the assistant coach to Lebanese basketball team Hekmeh BC years 2013-2016.

  17. Tigran Barseghyan

    Tigran Barseghyan (born 22 September 1993) is an Armenian football player who plays midfielder for the Armenian national team and Kazakhstan Premier League side FC Astana.

  18. Tigran Balayan

    Tigran Balayan (Armenian: Տիգրան Բալայան; born October 29, 1977 in Yerevan, Armenian SSR) is an Armenian diplomat and historian, As of October 2018, he serves as the Ambassador of Armenia to the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Permanent Representative of the Republic of Armenia to the OPCW..

  19. Tigran Avinyan

    Tigran Avinyan (Armenian: Տիգրան Ավինյան; born 28 February 1989) is an Armenian politician, Deputy Prime Minister of Armenia and former member of the Yerevan City Council from the list of Way Out Alliance (YELK).

  20. Tigran Gspeyan

    Tigran Gspeyan (born 12 October 1969) is a retired Armenian football defender.

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Visaakam Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details

Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6

Baby Name Tigran Numerology: Name Tigran has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about name Tigran

What is the meaning of Tigran?
Name Tigran means Shooting or fighting with arrows as per The ParentZ Baby Name Finder, largest baby names list. Learn more Tigran Name Meaning and Origin.
What is the numerology of baby name Tigran?
Name Tigran has numerology 7 as per The ParentZ.
What is the lucky number of name Tigran?
The lucky number of name Tigran is 7 as per number numerology.
What is the length of Tigran name?
The name Tigran has 6 letters. The name Tigran consists of 1 word with 6 characters.
What is the Nakshatra of Tigran?
Name Tigran belongs to Visaakam nakshatra based on Indian Astrology or Janam Nakshatra as per the information available on The ParentZ.
Where does the name Tigran come from?
Tigran is a Persian, Armenian name given to Unisexs as per The ParentZ.
What is the origin of the name Tigran?
The name Tigran is of Persian, Armenian origin and is used within Islam, Muslim communities.
What does Tigran mean?
Name Tigran means Shooting or fighting with arrows as per The ParentZ
What does the name Tigran mean?
Tigran is of Persian, Armenian origin and means Shooting or fighting with arrows as per The ParentZ
What is the meaning and origin of the baby name Tigran?
Tigran means Shooting or fighting with arrows and is a Persian, Armenian name given to Unisexs as per The ParentZ
How can I suggest alternate meaning of the name Tigran?
You can use our suggest meaning and origin form to suggest alternate meaning of the name Tigran.
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