What does the name Tien mean? What is the meaning of the name Tien
Meaning of Tien: Name Tien in the Vietnamese origin, means A fairy, an angel or a spirit. Name Tien is of Vietnamese origin and is a Girl name. People with name Tien are usually Christianity, Buddhist by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Tien: A fairy, an angel or a spirit
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Famous people with name Tien (Namesakes)
- James Tien (politician)
James Tien Pei-chun, GBS, OBE, JP (Chinese: 田北俊; born 8 January 1947) is the former Chairman and Leader of the Liberal Party (LP) and former member of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong (Legco).
- Michael Tien
Michael Tien Puk-sun (born 25 August 1950 in Hong Kong) is a former member of Tsuen Wan District Council, having lost his seat in 2019 following a rout of pro-Beijing candidates amidst the 2019 Hong Kong protests..
- Hebe Tien
Hebe Tien (Chinese: 田馥甄; pinyin: Tián Fùzhēn; born 30 March 1983) is a Taiwanese singer and actress.
- James Tien (actor)
James Tien-chun (Chinese: 田俊; born 28 May 1942) is a Hong Kong actor from Guangdong, China.
- Tien Lei
Tien Lei (simplified Chinese: 田垒; traditional Chinese: 田壘; pinyin: Tián Lěi; born June 1, 1983 in Kaohsiung) is a Taiwanese professional basketball player.
- Chui Tien-you
Chui Man-kin (徐文健, born May 16, 1983), better known as Chui Tien-you (徐天佑) or Tien You or "TY", is a Hong Kong actor, singer, writer and director.
- Chou Tien-chen
Chou Tien-chen (Chinese: 周天成; born 8 January 1990) is a badminton player from Taiwan, representing Chinese Taipei.
- Lily Tien
Lily Tien (Chinese: 田麗; born 30 April 1967) is a Taiwanese actress.
- Tien Tzu-chieh
Tien Tzu-chieh (Chinese: 田子傑; pinyin: Tián Zǐjié; Wade–Giles: Tien Tzu-chieh; born 19 January 1995) is a male badminton player from Taiwan.
- Tien Ah-mei
Tien Ah-mei (born 20 June 1946) is a Taiwanese sprinter.
- Tien Chong
Tien Chong (simplified Chinese: 张天; traditional Chinese: 張天; pinyin: Zhāng Tiān; born 25 September 1994), is a Hong Kong singer-songwriter debuted in 2017.
- Tien Kieu
Tien Dung Kieu (Vietnamese: Kiều Tiến Dũng; born 25 October 1960) is an Australian physicist and politician.
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Visaakam Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Tien Numerology: Name Tien has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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