What does the name Tiaan mean? What is the meaning of the name Tiaan?
Meaning of Tiaan: Name Tiaan in the English origin, means Short from Christianity, follower of Christ. Name Tiaan is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Tiaan are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Tiaan (Namesakes)
- Tiaan Strauss
Christiaan Petrus 'Tiaan' Strauss, (born 28 June 1965 in Upington, South Africa) is a former rugby union and rugby league footballer who represented both South Africa and Australia at international level in rugby union and also played top-level domestic rugby league in Australia.
- Tiaan Louw
Tiaan Louw (born 10 June 1988) is a Namibian cricketer.
- Tiaan Liebenberg
Christiaan Rudolph Liebenberg (born 18 December 1981) is a former South African rugby union footballer who played as a hooker.
- Tiaan Cloete
Tiaan William Raymond Cloete (born 12 November 1989) is a South African cricketer.
- Tiaan Marx
Tiaan Marx (born 17 March 1986) is a South African rugby union footballer.
- Christiaan Snyman
- Tiaan Kannemeyer
Tiaan Kannemeyer (born December 14, 1978, in Bellville) is a former South African cyclist.
- Tiaan Dorfling
Tiaan Arno Dorfling (born 26 July 1990 in Port Elizabeth, South Africa) is a South African rugby union player, who most recently played for Griquas.
- Tiaan Falcon
Tiaan James Falcon (born 19 June 1997) is a New Zealand rugby union player who plays for the Chiefs in the Super Rugby competition.
- Tiaan Thomas-Wheeler
Tiaan Thomas-Wheeler (born 19 November 1999) is a Welsh rugby union player who plays for Ospreys regional team as a centre.
- Tiaan van der Merwe
Tiaan van der Merwe (born (1998-04-04)4 April 1998) is a South African rugby union player for the Golden Lions XV in the Rugby Challenge.
- Tiaan van Vuuren
Tiaan van Vuuren (born 31 July 2001) is a South African cricketer.
- Tiaan Loots
Tiaan Loots (born 1 February 1992) is an South African professional rugby union player who plays centre for the Houston Sabercats in Major League Rugby (MLR).
He previously played in Wales for semi professional sides RGC 1404 and Cross Keys RFC and the Pro14 side Dragons.
- Tiaan Swanepoel
Tiaan Henk Swanepoel (born (1996-06-04)4 June 1996) is a Namibian rugby union player for the Lions in Super Rugby .
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Tiaan Numerology: Name Tiaan has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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