What does the name Thorne mean? What is the meaning of the name Thorne
Meaning of Thorne: Name Thorne in the English origin, means A thom tree. Name Thorne is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Thorne are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Thorne (Namesakes)
- Callie Thorne
Calliope "Callie" Thorne (born November 20, 1969) is an American actress known for her role as Dr.
- Kip Thorne
Kip Stephen Thorne (born June 1, 1940) is an American theoretical physicist and Nobel laureate, known for his contributions in gravitational physics and astrophysics.
- Courtney Thorne-Smith
Courtney Thorne-Smith (born November 8, 1967) is an American actress.
- Frank Thorne
Frank Thorne (born June 16, 1930) is an American comic book artist-writer, best known for the Marvel Comics character Red Sonja.
- Willie Thorne
William Joseph "Willie" Thorne (born 4 March 1954) is an English former professional snooker player.
- Reuben Thorne
Reuben David Thorne (born 2 January 1975) is a New Zealand rugby union player, and former captain of the national team, the All Blacks.
- Gary Thorne
Gary F. Thorne (born June 9, 1948) is an American sports executive.
- Michelle Thorne
Michelle Marie Thorne (born 2 August 1975) is an English glamour model, pornographic actress and director.
- Angela Thorne
- Geoffrey Thorne
Geoffrey Thorne (born January 20, 1970) is an American screenwriter, novelist and actor.
- Grahame Thorne
Grahame Stuart Thorne (born 25 February 1946) is a former All Black rugby player, rugby union commentator, Member of Parliament and municipal councillor and TV cooking show host.
- Bella Thorne
Annabella Avery Thorne (born October 8, 1997) is an American actress, singer, director, and former child model.
- Jack Thorne
Jack Thorne (born 6 December 1978) is an English screenwriter and playwright.
- Robin Thorne
Robin "Robbie" Thorne (born 26 March 1966) is an Australian former professional rugby league footballer who played in the 1980s and 1990s.
- Adande Thorne
Adande Thorne (born July 10, 1980), known by his YouTube username Swoozie (stylized as sWooZie), is a Trinidadian-American YouTube personality.
- James Thorne
James Samuel Thorne is an English professional footballer who most recently played for Hartlepool United as a forward.
- Jack Thorne (mathematician)
Jack A. Thorne (born 1987) is a British mathematician working in number theory and arithmetic aspects of the Langlands Program.
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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Thorne Numerology: Name Thorne has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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