What does the name Thomson mean? What is the meaning of the name Thomson
Meaning of Thomson: Name Thomson in the English origin, means English surname, son of Thomas. Name Thomson is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Thomson are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Thomson: English surname, son of Thomas
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Famous people with name Thomson (Namesakes)
- Gabriel Thomson
Gabriel Thomson (born 27 October 1986) is an English former actor, best known for his role as Michael Harper in the British situation comedy series My Family.
- Paul Thomson
Paul Robert Thomson (born 15 September 1976) is a Scottish drummer for the Glasgow-based band, Franz Ferdinand.
- Jeff Thomson
Jeffrey Robert Thomson (born 16 August 1950) is a former Australian cricketer.
- Beverly Thomson
Beverly D. Thomson (born April 15, 1966) is a Canadian journalist and correspondent with CTV News Channel.
- David Thomson, 3rd Baron Thomson of Fleet
David Kenneth Roy Thomson, 3rd Baron Thomson of Fleet (born 12 June 1957) is a Canadian hereditary peer and media magnate.
- R. H. Thomson
Robert Holmes "R. H." Thomson, (born September 24, 1947) is a Canadian television, film and stage actor.
Thomson was born in Richmond Hill, Ontario.
- Kevin Thomson
Kevin Thomson (born 14 October 1984) is a Scottish former professional footballer, who played as a midfielder.
- Erik Thomson
Erik Thomson (born 27 April 1967) is a Scottish-born New Zealand-Australian actor.
- Dougie Thomson
Douglas Campbell "Dougie" Thomson (pronounced "doogie") (born 24 March 1951) is a Scottish musician, born in Glasgow and raised in the Rutherglen area of the city.
- Rob Thomson
Robert Lewis Thomson (born August 16, 1963) is a Canadian former minor league baseball player, who is currently the bench coach for the Philadelphia Phillies.
- Josh Thomson
Joshua Joseph Thomson (born September 21, 1978) is a retired American mixed martial artist, podcaster and analyst currently signed to Bellator MMA. A professional competitor since 2001, Thomson has also competed in PRIDE, Strikeforce, UFC, the World Fighting Alliance, and appeared at Dynamite!!
- Billy Thomson
William Marshall Thomson (born 10 February 1958) is a Scottish former footballer, who played as a goalkeeper.
- Akiko Thomson
Gillian Akiko Thomson (born October 8, 1974) is a Filipina television host, journalist and retired swimmer.
- Stacey Thomson
- Jake Thomson
Jake Samuel Thomson (born 12 May 1989) is an English footballer who plays for Fareham Town.
- Cassi Thomson
Cassi Nicole Thomson (born 14 August 1993) is an Australian-born American actress and singer.
- Ross Thomson
Ross Thomson (born 21 September 1987) is a former Scottish Conservative Party politician who was the Member of Parliament (MP) for Aberdeen South from June 2017 to November 2019.
- Anna Thomson
Anna Thomson (born September 18, 1953) is an American actress known professionally as Anna Levine.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Thomson Numerology: Name Thomson has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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