What does the name Thomsen mean? What is the meaning of the name Thomsen
Meaning of Thomsen: Name Thomsen in the English origin, means Son of Tom. Name Thomsen is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Thomsen are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Thomsen (Namesakes)
- Jákup Thomsen
- Charles B. Thomsen
Charles Burton "Chuck" Thomsen FAIA FCMAA (born September 25, 1932) is an American architect, construction manager, corporate executive and educator.
- Amalie Thomsen
Amalie Thomsen (born 12 September 1994) is a Danish canoeist.
- Claus Thomsen
Claus Thomsen (born 31 May 1970 in Aarhus) is a Danish former professional footballer.
- Stu Thomsen
Stuart L. Thomsen (born May 20, 1958 in Whittier, California) is an American former bicycle motocross (BMX) racer.
- Ulrich Thomsen
Ulrich Thomsen (born 6 December 1963) is a Danish actor and filmmaker, known for his role of Kai Proctor in the Cinemax original series Banshee.
- Cecilie Thomsen
Cecilie Thomsen (born 29 October 1974) is a Danish actress and model.
- Chris Thomsen
Chris Thomsen (born November 7, 1968) is an American football coach.
- Chuck Thomsen
Charles William Thomsen (born January 20, 1957) is an American Republican politician from the US state of Oregon.
- Tórður Thomsen
Tórður Thomsen (born 11 June 1986) is a Faroese international footballer who plays for Faroese side B36 Tórshavn as a goalkeeper.
- Benjamin Thomsen
Benjamin Thomsen (born August 25, 1987), also known as Ben Thomsen, is a World Cup alpine ski racer from Canada.
- Nicolaj Thomsen
Nicolaj Thomsen (born 8 May 1993) is a Danish footballer who plays for the Danish Superliga side F.C. Copenhagen.
- Ole Thomsen
Ole Thomsen (born 28 November 1952 in Bergen, Norway) is a Norwegian jazz musician (guitar) and composer, known from a number of releases and since 1977 central on the Bergen jazz scene.
- Kaino Thomsen
Kaino Thomsen-Fuataga (born 12 May 1991) is a Samoan sportsman who has represented his country in taekwondo and rugby union.
- Kåre Thomsen
Kåre Thomsen (born 30 December 1959) is a Norwegian Jazz musician (guitar) and graphic designer, known for a number of releases and is active on the Bergen jazz scene performing with musicians like Karl Seglem, Vigleik Storaas and Terje Isungset.
- Jonas Thomsen
Jonas Thomsen (born 5 February 1991) is a Danish footballer who currently is a player-manager for Svebølle B&I.
- Anders Thomsen
Anders Christian Thomsen (born 29 July 1995) is a Danish footballer who plays as a midfielder.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Thomsen Numerology: Name Thomsen has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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