What does the name Theodora mean? What is the meaning of the name Theodora
Meaning of Theodora: Name Theodora in the Greek origin, means She who is given by God. Name Theodora is of Greek origin and is a Girl name. People with name Theodora are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Theodora (Namesakes)
- Princess Theodora of Greece and Denmark
Princess Theodora of Greece and Denmark (Greek: Θεοδώρα, born 9 June 1983 in St Mary's Hospital, London), also known under her stage name Theodora Greece, is a British actress and member of the Greek royal family and Danish Royal Family.
- Theodora Richards
Theodora Dupree Richards (born March 18, 1985) is an American model and the daughter of Patti Hansen and Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards, and the older sister of Alexandra Richards.
- Georgina Theodora Wood
Georgina Theodora Wood (born 8 June 1947) is a Ghanaian judge and also a former police prosecution officer.
- Dionysia-Theodora Avgerinopoulou
Dionysia-Theodora Avgerinopoulou (Greek: Διονυσία-Θεοδώρα Αυγερινοπούλου, born 10 September 1975) is an influential politician regarding environmental matters, a specialized attorney in International, Environmental and Sustainable Development Law, and the recipient of the Green Star Award awarded by UNEP, OCHA, and Green Cross International for her leadership in prevention, preparedness and response to environmental emergencies.
- Theodora Drakou
Theodora (Nora) Drakou is a Greek competitive swimmer.
- Theodora Tzimou
Theodora Tzimou (Greek: Θεοδώρα Τζήμου; born 20 March 1974) is a Greek actress.
- Theodora Pallidou
Theodora Pallidou (born 14 September 1988) is a Greek individual rhythmic gymnast.
- Theodora Gkountoura
Theodora Gkountoura (born 14 March 1997) is a Greek sabre fencer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Theodora Numerology: Name Theodora has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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