What does the name Teodoro mean? What is the meaning of the name Teodoro
Meaning of Teodoro: Name Teodoro in the Spanish origin, means Gift from God. Name Teodoro is of Spanish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Teodoro are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Teodoro (Namesakes)
- Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo
Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo (Spanish pronunciation: [te.o.ˈðo.ɾo o.ˈβjãŋɡ ˈŋ.ɡe.ma m.ˈba.so.go]; born 5 June 1942) is an Equatoguinean politician who has been President of Equatorial Guinea since 1979.
- Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue
- This name uses Fang people from Equatorial Guinea naming customs: his name is Nguema, his father's name is Obiang and his mother's name is Mangue.
- Teodoro Casiño
Teodoro A. Casiño (born 15 November 1968), popularly known as Teddy Casiño, is a writer and journalist.
- Marcelino Teodoro
Marcelino "Marcy" Reyes Teodoro (born August 2, 1970) is a Filipino politician and incumbent Mayor of Marikina.
- Gilbert Teodoro
Gilberto Eduardo Gerardo Cojuangco Teodoro Jr. (born on June 14, 1964 in Isabela, Philippines), or more commonly known as Gilbert/Gibo, is the former secretary of the national defense of the Republic of the Philippines, having assumed the post in August 2007 until November 15, 2009.
- Teodoro Locsin Jr.
Teodoro "Teddy Boy" López Locsin Jr. (born November 15, 1948) is a Filipino politician, diplomat, lawyer, and former journalist serving as the Secretary of Foreign Affairs since October 2018.
- Monica Prieto-Teodoro
Monica Louise "Nikki" Prieto-Teodoro (born March 3, 1966) is a Filipino politician.
- Teodoro Orozco
Teodoro Orozco Puente (born 22 October 1963 in Concordia) is a retired Mexican football defender who managers Salamanca F.C..
- Teodoro Lonfernini
Teodoro Lonfernini (born 12 May 1976) is a Sammarinese politician and former Captain Regent.
- Teodoro Kalaw III
Teodoro Kalaw III (born 4 August 1947) is a Filipino former sports shooter.
- Lourdes Teodoro
Lourdes Teodoro (born 4 June 1946) is an Afro-Brazilian academic, writer, poet, and psychoanalyst who questions the effects of colonization on identity.
- Teodoro Paredes
Teodoro Paul Paredes Pavón (born 1 April 1993) is a Paraguayan professional footballer who plays as a defender for Club Bolívar.
- Teodoro de Faria
Dom Teodoro de Faria GOIH (Funchal, August 24, 1930), is Madeiran Catholic clergyman who was Bishop of Funchal between 1982-2007 and is currently Emeritus Bishop of the same diocese.
- Teodoro Luña
Teodoro Luña (born 29 October 1938) is a Peruvian footballer.
- Teodoro García Egea
Teodoro García Egea (born 1985) is a Spanish politician.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Teodoro Numerology: Name Teodoro has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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