What does the name Teodora mean? What is the meaning of the name Teodora
Meaning of Teodora: Name Teodora in the Polish, Slavic, Serbian, Italian, Spanish, Swedish origin, means God's gift. Name Teodora is of Polish, Slavic, Serbian, Italian, Spanish, Swedish origin and is a Girl name. People with name Teodora are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Teodora (Namesakes)
- Teodora Alexandrova
Teodora Alexandrova (Bulgarian: Теодора Александрова, born September 24, 1981 in Sofia, Bulgaria) is a former Bulgarian Individual Rhythmic Gymnast.
- Teodora Ungureanu
Teodora Ungureanu (born 13 November 1960) is a Romanian former gymnast who competed at the 1976 Summer Olympics.
- Teodora Poštič
Teodora Poštič (born 25 September 1984) is a Slovenian figure skater.
- Teodora Mirčić
Teodora Mirčić (Serbian Cyrillic: Теодора Мирчић, pronounced [teodǒːra mîːrtʃitɕ]; born 3 March 1988) is a Serbian former tennis player.
- Teodora Ruano
María Teodora Adoracion ("Dori") Ruano Sanchón (born 11 January 1969) is a retired female track and road racing cyclist from Spain.
- Teodora Albon
Teodora Albon (born 2 December 1977 in Cisnădie, Romania) is a Romanian football referee.
- María Teodora Arrieta
María Teodora Elba Arrieta Pérez (born 7 January 1955) is a Mexican politician from the Institutional Revolutionary Party.
- Teodora Betcheva
Teodora Betcheva (Bulgarian: Теодора Бечева, born (1971-03-19)19 March 1971) is a retired Bulgarian female volleyball player.
- Teodora Simović
Teodora Simović (born 27 October 1993) is a Serbian long distance runner.
- Teodora Aleksandrova
Teodora Aleksandrova (Bulgarian: Теодора Александрова, born 17 July 2001) is a Bulgarian group rhythmic gymnast.
- Teodora Nedeva
Teodora Nedeva (Bulgarian: Теодора Недева, born 22 April 1977) is a retired professional tennis player from Bulgaria.
- Teodora Pušić
Teodora Pušić (born 12 March 1993) is a Serbian volleyball player for UVT Agroland Timișoara and the Serbian national team.
- Teodora Măgurean
Teodora Măgurean (born 14 March 1998) is a Romanian handballer who plays for Hypo Niederösterreich.
- Teodora Sava
Teodora Sava (Romanian pronunciation: [te.oˈdora ˈsava], born November 27, 2001, Piatra Neamț) is a singer, former Antena 1 (Romania) television channel star, and former contestant in the international music talent competition X Factor Romania.
- Teodora Pentcheva
Teodora Pentcheva (born 9 July 1982) is a Bulgarian snowboarder.
- Teodora Zareva
Teodora Ivanova Zareva (Bulgarian: Теодора Иванова Зарева; born 10 December 1963) is a Bulgarian rower.
- Teodora Meluță
Teodora Meluță (born 3 August 1999) is a Romanian footballer who plays as a defender and has appeared for the Romania women's national team.
- Teodora Drăgoescu
Teodora Drăgoescu (born 6 December 1986) is a Romanian footballer who plays as a defender.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Teodora Numerology: Name Teodora has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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