What does the name Tennant mean? What is the meaning of the name Tennant?
Meaning of Tennant: Name Tennant in the African origin, means Tenant, renter. Name Tennant is of African origin and is a Boy name. People with name Tennant are usually Christianity by religion.
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SISTERS: Sibling Sister names for Tennant
BROTHERS: Sibling Brother names for Tennant
Famous people with name Tennant (Namesakes)
- Neil Tennant
Neil Francis Tennant (born 10 July 1954) is an English musician, singer, songwriter, music journalist and co-founder of the synthpop duo Pet Shop Boys, which he formed with Chris Lowe in 1981.
- Veronica Tennant
Veronica Tennant, (born January 15, 1946) is a Canadian producer, director, and filmmaker and the principal dancer of the National Ballet of Canada.
- David Tennant
David John Tennant (né McDonald; born 18 April 1971) is a Scottish actor.
- Georgia Tennant
Georgia Elizabeth Tennant (née Moffett; born 25 December 1984) is an English actress.
- Victoria Tennant
Victoria Tennant (born 30 September 1950) is an English film and television actress.
- Andy Tennant
Andrew Wellman Tennant (born June 15, 1955) is an American screenwriter, film and television director, actor, and dancer.
- Stella Tennant
Stella Tennant (born 17 December 1970) is a British model.
- Natalie Tennant
Natalie E. Tennant (born December 25, 1967) is an American politician who served as the Secretary of State of West Virginia from 2009 to 2017.
- Matt Tennant
Matthew H. Tennant (born March 19, 1987) is a former American football center for the Philadelphia Eagles of the National Football League.
- Andy Tennant (cyclist)
- Emily Tennant
Emily Tennant (born August 9, 1990) is a Canadian film and television actress.
- Andy Tennant (cricketer)
Andrew McBlain Tennant (born 17 February 1966) is a former Scottish cricketer who played a number of matches for the Scottish national side.
- Brandon Tennant
Brandon Tennant (born July 2, 1991) is a Canadian football defensive lineman, who is currently playing for the Winnipeg BlueBombers.
- Amy Tennant
Amy Tennant (aka Kev) (born 28 August 1994) is an English international field hockey player who plays as a goalkeeper for England and Great Britain.
- Anne Tennant, Baroness Glenconner
Anne Veronica Tennant, Baroness Glenconner (née Coke; born 16 July 1932) is a British peeress and socialite.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Tennant Numerology: Name Tennant has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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