What does the name Tawfik mean? What is the meaning of the name Tawfik?
Meaning of Tawfik: Name Tawfik in the Arabic origin, means One who agrees. Name Tawfik is of Arabic origin and is a Boy name. People with name Tawfik are usually Islam, Muslim by religion.
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Famous people with name Tawfik (Namesakes)
- Ehab Tawfik
- Tawfik Alolo
Tawfik Alolo Alhassan (born December 12, 1986 in Tamale, Ghana) is a football player who is currently under contract by the club Real Tamale United.
- Abdelaziz Tawfik
Abdelaziz Tawfik (Arabic: عبد العزيز توفيق) (born 24 May 1986) is an Egyptian footballer who plays for Ghazl El Mahalla SC as a midfielder.
- Tawfik Khatib
Tawfik Khatib (Arabic: توفيق خطيب, Hebrew: תאופיק ח'טיב; born 21 April 1954) is a former Israeli Arab politician who served as a member of the Knesset for the United Arab List and the Arab National Party between 1996 and 2003.
- Ahmed Tawfik
Ahmed Tawfik (Arabic: أحمد توفيق; born 1 October 1991), is an Egyptian footballer who plays for Egyptian Premier League side Pyramids, as a defensive midfielder.
- Tawfik Okasha
Tawfiq Okasha (Arabic: توفيق عكاشة), is an Egyptian television presenter as owner and principal anchor of the satellite political-commentary channel Faraeen (also Al Fara'een).
- Akram Tawfik
Akram Tawfik Elhagrasi (Arabic: أكرم توفيق; born 8 November 1997) is an Egyptian professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for El Gouna FC on loan from Al Ahly and the Egypt U-20.
He is a product of the ENPPI youth system.
- Ahmed Tawfik (basketball)
Ahmed Tawfik (Arabic: أحمد توفيق) (born November 5, 1987) is an Egyptian professional basketball player, currently with Sporting SC of the Egyptian Basketball Super League.
- Khalid Tawfik Lazim
Khalid Tawfik Lazim (born 9 March 1944) is an Iraqi sprinter.
- Mudhafar Jabbar Tawfik
Mudhafar Jabbar Tawfik (born 11 January 1965) is an Iraqi footballer.
- Tawfik Sakr
Tawfik Sakr (born 8 November 1969) is an Egyptian footballer.
- Ibrahim Mahmoud Tawfik
Ibrahim Mahmoud Tawfik (born 5 September 1965) is an Egyptian field hockey player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Tawfik Numerology: Name Tawfik has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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