What does the name Tatjana mean? What is the meaning of the name Tatjana
Meaning of Tatjana: Name Tatjana in the German, Latin, Russian origin, means A variation of Russian Tatiana, from a Latin family name. Name Tatjana is of German, Latin, Russian origin and is a Girl name. People with name Tatjana are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Tatjana: A variation of Russian Tatiana, from a Latin family name
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Famous people with name Tatjana (Namesakes)
- Princess Tatjana of Liechtenstein
Princess Tatjana Nora Maria of Liechtenstein (born 10 April 1973) is the fourth child and only daughter of Prince Hans-Adam II and Princess Marie.
- Tatjana Ždanoka
Tatjana Ždanoka (Russian: Татья́на Арка́дьевна Ждано́к, Tatyana Arkadyevna Zhdanok, born May 8, 1950 in Riga) is a Latvian politician and a Member of the European Parliament.
- Tatjana Šimić
Tatjana Šimić (born 9 June 1963), also known by the mononym Tatjana, is a Croatian-Dutch model, actress and singer.
- Tatjana Blacher
Tatjana Blacher (born 18 May 1956 in Berlin) is a German actress.
- Tatjana Maria
Tatjana Maria (née Malek; born 8 August 1987) is a German professional tennis player.
- Tatjana Đorđević
Tatjana Đorđević (Serbian Cyrillic: Татјана Ђорђевић; born March 3, 1985 in Belgrade, Serbia, SFR Yugoslavia) is a young Serbian, Rock female singer.
- Tatjana Pašalić
Tatjana Pasalic (pronounced [tatjana]) (born 28 December 1984) is a Croatian poker presenter.
- Tatjana Pinto
Tatjana Lofamakanda Pinto (born 2 July 1992) is a German athlete who competes as a sprinter.
- Tatjana Vorobjova
Tatjana Vorobjova (Russian: Татьяна Воробьёва; born 26 July 1996 in Tallinn) is a retired Estonian tennis player.
- Tatjana Višak
Tatjana Višak (born 12 December 1974), often credited as Tatjana Visak, is a German philosopher specialising in ethics and political philosophy who is currently based in the Department of Philosophy and Economics at the University of Bayreuth.
- Tatjana Đurković
Tatjana Đurković (Serbian Cyrillic: Татјана Ђурковић; born 5 August 1996) is a Montenegrin football defender.
- Tatjana Đekanović
Tatjana Đekanović (born 25 February 1997) is a Bosnian sports shooter.
- Tatjana Josipović
Tatjana Josipović (born Klepac; born 14 May 1962) is a Croatian jurist and professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb, who is the wife of Ivo Josipović, the President of Croatia from 2010 to 2015.
- Tatjana Brnović
Tatjana Brnović (born 9 November 1998) is a Montenegrin handball player who plays for ŽRK Budućnost Podgorica and the Montenegrin national team.
She was selected to represent Montenegro at the 2017 World Women's Handball Championship.
- Tatjana Smolnikar
Tatjana Smolnikar (born 2 December 1962) is a Slovenian cross-country skier.
- Tatjana Schoenmaker
Tatjana Schoenmaker (born 9 July 1997) is a South African swimmer.
- Tatjana Böhm
Tatjana Böhm is a former German politician.
- Cécire
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Tatjana Numerology: Name Tatjana has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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