What does the name Tapio mean? What is the meaning of the name Tapio
Meaning of Tapio: Name Tapio in the Finnish origin, means One who rules the forest. Name Tapio is of Finnish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Tapio are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Tapio (Namesakes)
- Tapio Wilska
Tapio Wilska (born 19 September 1969, in Savonlinna, Finland) is the main vocalist of the heavy metal band Sethian.
- Tapio Korjus
Tapio Korjus (born 10 February 1961 in Vehkalahti) is a Finnish former javelin thrower.
- Nina Tapio
Nina Tapio (born February 24, 1972) is a Finnish singer, songwriter, musical actor, and session musician.
- Tapio Koskinen
Tapio Kalervo Koskinen (born January 22, 1953 in Pori, Finland) is a retired professional ice hockey player who played in the SM-liiga.
- Tapio Levo
Tapio Antero Levo (born September 24, 1956 in Pori, Finland) is a retired Finnish professional ice hockey player who played in the SM-liiga and National Hockey League.
- Juha Tapio
Juha Leevi Antero Tapio (born 5 February 1974) is a Finnish singer, lyricist, composer and guitarist.
- Tapio Sammalkangas
Tapio Sammalkangas (born March 16, 1980) is a Finnish former professional ice hockey defenceman.
- Tapio Laakso
Tapio Laakso (born June 28, 1985) is a Finnish ice hockey centre.
- Jussi Tapio
Jussi Tapio (born April 10, 1986) is a Finnish former professional ice hockey player.
- Tapio Heikkilä
Tapio Heikkilä (born 8 April 1990) is a Finnish football player currently playing for Sandnes Ulf in OBOS-ligaen.
- Tapio Luoma
Tapio Luoma (born June 15, 1962) is a Finnish prelate and current Archbishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland since 1 June 2018.
- Tapio Pulkkanen
Tapio Pulkkanen (born 21 May 1990) is a Finnish professional golfer.
- Neal Tapio
Neal Tapio (born September 19, 1970) is an American businessman, South Dakota state senator, and a former candidate for U.S. Representative for South Dakota's at-large congressional district.
- Tapio Piipponen
Tapio Piipponen (born 21 June 1957) is a Finnish biathlete.
- Tapio Saramäki
Tapio Antero Saramäki (June 12, 1953) is a pioneer in Finnish digital signal processing (DSP) since 1981.
- Tapio Kinnunen
Tapio Kinnunen (born 18 January 1954) is a Finnish weightlifter.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Tapio Numerology: Name Tapio has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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