What does the name Taleb mean? What is the meaning of the name Taleb
Meaning of Taleb: Name Taleb in the Arabic origin, means One who seeks for something. Name Taleb is of Arabic origin and is a Boy name. People with name Taleb are usually Islam, Muslim by religion.
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Famous people with name Taleb (Namesakes)
- Taleb Moussa
Taleb Moussa (born 1 July 1978) is a Emirati chess player.
- Rhea May Taleb
- Taleb el-Sana
Taleb el-Sana (Arabic: طلب الصانع, Hebrew: טלב אלצאנע, born 25 December 1960), sometimes spelled Talab al-Sana or variations thereof, is an Israeli Bedouin politician and lawyer.
- Ahmed Taleb Ibrahimi
- Oday Taleb
- Taleb Nematpour
Taleb Nematpour (Persian: طالب نعمتپور, born 19 September 1984 in Koohdasht, Iran) is an Iranian wrestler.
- Taleb Tawatha
Taleb Tawatha (or Twatha, Arabic: طالب طواطحه, Hebrew: טאלב טוואטחה; born 21 June 1992) is a Arab-Israeli professional footballer of Bedouin descent, who plays as a defender for Bulgarian First League club Ludogorets Razgrad and the Israel national football team.
- Loay Taleb
Louay Taleb (Arabic: لؤي طالب) (born August 9, 1975 in Damascus, Syria) is a retired Syrian football player.
- Taleb Kanaan
Taleb Kanaan (Arabic: طالب كنعان) is a Lebanese senior anchor for Al Arabiya and the presenter of the monthly program Hewar Al-Arab (Dialogue of the Arabs).
- Feras Taleb
Feras Taleb (born 10 May 1977) is a Jordanian football Goalkeeper who played for Jordan in the 2004 Asian Cup.
- Nordine Taleb
Nordine Taleb (Arabic: نوردين طالب, born June 10, 1981) is a French professional mixed martial artist of Algerian descent currently competing in the Welterweight division of the ARES FC. A professional since 2007, he has also competed for Bellator MMA and Ultimate Fighting Championship.
- Hadia Bentaleb
Hadia Bentaleb (Arabic: هادية بن طالب; born August 31, 1980) is an Algerian épée fencer.
- Taleb Jaloub
Taleb Jaloub (born 1 July 1955) is a former Iraqi football defender.
- Imane Taleb
Imane Taleb (born 3 November 1996) is an Algerian female karateka who has represented Algeria in international competitions.
- Randalin
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Taleb Numerology: Name Taleb has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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