What does the name Sylvie mean? What is the meaning of the name Sylvie
Meaning of Sylvie: Name Sylvie in the French origin, means A lady of the forest. Name Sylvie is of French origin and is a Girl name. People with name Sylvie are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Sylvie (Namesakes)
- Sylvie Vartan
Sylvie Vartan (French pronunciation: [silvi vaʁtɑ̃]; born Sylvie Georges Vartanian, Bulgarian: Силви Жорж Вартанян; 15 August 1944 in Iskrets, Sofia Province) is a Bulgarian-French singer and actress.
- Sylvie Fréchette
Sylvie Fréchette, (born 27 June 1967 in Montreal, Quebec) is a Canadian former synchronised swimmer.
- Sylvie Guillem
Sylvie Guillem (French: [silvi gilɛm]; born 23 February 1965) is a French ballet dancer.
- Sylvie Meis
Sylvie Françoise Meis (born 13 April 1978) is a Dutch television personality and model of Dutch East Indies origin.
- Sylvie Testud
Sylvie Testud (born 17 January 1971) is a French actress, writer, and film director, whose film career began in 1991.
- Sylvie Courvoisier
Sylvie Courvoisier (born November 30, 1968 in Lausanne, Switzerland) is a composer, pianist and improviser.
- Sylvie Léonard
Sylvie Léonard (born July 17, 1955) is a French-Canadian actress.
- Sylvie Tellier
Sylvie Tellier, (born 28 May 1978, in Nantes, Loire-Atlantique) is a French model, beauty queen and the National Director of Miss France.
- Sylvie Andrieux
Sylvie Andrieux (born 15 December 1961 in Marseille) is a member of the National Assembly of France.
- Sylvie Goulard
Sylvie Goulard (born 6 December 1964) is a French politician and civil servant who served as Minister of the Armed Forces from 17 May to 21 June 2017 in the First Philippe government.
- Sylvie Faucheux
Sylvie Faucheux (born 29 May 1960 in Paris) is a French professor, specializing in the economy of the natural environment and sustainable development.
- Sylvie Hoarau
Sylvie Hoarau (born 28 June 1970) is a French singer and songwriter.
- Sylvie Goddyn
Sylvie Goddyn (born 24 June 1964) is a National Front Member of the European Parliament representing North-West France.
- Sylvie Patin
Sylvie Patin (born Sylvie Gache-Patin on 11 June 1951) is a French conservator-restorer of cultural heritage at Musée d'Orsay and art historian specialised in Impressionism.
- Sylvie Lubamba
Sylvie Lubamba (born Renée Sylvie Lubamba on 29 February 1972 in Florence) is an Italian model, showgirl and TV presenter.
- Sylvie Béliveau
- Sylvie Feucher
Sylvie Feucher (née Daniélo born 26 February 1959 in Brest, France) is a French civil servant and the current Prefect of Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélemy.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Sylvie Numerology: Name Sylvie has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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