What does the name Syeda mean? What is the meaning of the name Syeda
Meaning of Syeda: Name Syeda in the Pakistan origin, means She who is a mistress. Name Syeda is of Pakistan origin and is a Girl name. People with name Syeda are usually Islam, Muslim by religion.
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Famous people with name Syeda (Namesakes)
- Syeda Khatun
Syeda Amina Khatun, MBE (Bengali: সৈয়দা খানা খাতুন; born 10 January 1969) is a British Labour Party politician, councillor for Tipton Green in the Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council and Cabinet Advisor for Education.
- Syeda Ummehani Ashraf
Syeda Ummehani Ashraf is a senior Professor of Urdu at Women's College, Aligarh Muslim University.
- Syeda Bilgrami Imam
Syeda Bilgrami Imam is an Indian writer and film-maker.
- Syeda Mahpara
Syeda Mahpara Shahid Bukhari, known as Syeda Mahpara or Mahpara Shahid (born 8 July 1993), is an international footballer from Pakistan.
- Syeda Sajeda Chowdhury
Syeda Sajeda Chowdhury (born 8 May 1935) is a Bangladeshi politician.
- Syeda Saira Mohsin
Syeda Saira Mohsin (born 10 September 1965) is a Bangladesh Awami League politician and Member of Parliament in Bangladesh.
- Syeda Badrun Nahar Chowdhury
Syeda Badrun Nahar Chowdhury is a Bangladeshi physician and former additional director general of Directorate General of Health Services.
- Syeda Aroob Shah
Syeda Aroob Shah (born 31 December 2003) is a Pakistani cricketer.
- Syeda Jebunnesa Haque
Syeda Jebunnesa Haque (born 1 February 1944) is a Bangladesh Awami League politician.
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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Syeda Numerology: Name Syeda has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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