What does the name Swain mean? What is the meaning of the name Swain
Meaning of Swain: Name Swain in the American, English origin, means Herdsman, knights attendant. Name Swain is of American, English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Swain are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Swain (Namesakes)
- Freddie Swain
Freddie Swain is an American football wide receiver for the Seattle Seahawks of the National Football League (NFL).
- Paul Swain
Paul Desmond Swain (born 20 December 1951) is a New Zealand politician.
- Brett Swain (gridiron football)
Brett Andrew Swain (born June 21, 1985) is an American football wide receiver.
- Carol M. Swain
Carol Miller Swain (born March 7, 1954) is an American conservative television analyst and former professor of political science and law at Vanderbilt University.
- Darren Swain
Darren M. Swain is an American politician, a Democrat and a former member of the Maryland House of Delegates.
- Neil Swain
Neil Swain (born 4 September 1971 in Pontypridd) is a Welsh professional super fly/bantam/super bantam/featherweight boxer of the 1990s who won the Commonwealth super bantamweight title, and was a challenger for the British Boxing Board of Control (BBBofC) British super bantamweight title against Michael Brodie, his professional fighting weight varied from 113 lb (51 kg; 8 st 1 lb), i.e.
- Mayadhar Swain
Mayadhar Swain is an Odia writer from Odisha, India.
- Ryan Jamaal Swain
Ryan Jamaal Swain (born 13 March 1994) is an American actor and dancer.
- Ryan Swain (presenter)
Ryan Swain (born 24 February 1990) is a British award winning television and radio presenter, live events host, disc jockey, master of ceremonies, and stand-up comedian.
- Ashok Swain
Ashok Swain(born 19 February 1965) is an Indian-born academic and professor of peace and conflict research at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University.
- Jayson Swain
Jayson Swain (born July 27, 1984) is a former American football wide receiver in the NFL and currently a host on Tennessee Sports Radio (WVLZ 1180 AM).
- Dominique Swain
Dominique Swain (born August 12, 1980) is an American actress and producer.
- Chelse Swain
Chelse Elizabeth Ashley Swain (born May 25, 1983) is an American actress, best known for playing Bonnie Lisbon in the 1999 American film The Virgin Suicides.
- John Swain
John Wesley Swain (born September 4, 1959) is a former American football cornerback in the National Football League.
- Mike Swain
Michael Lee Swain (born December 21, 1960 in Elizabeth, New Jersey) is one of the most successful American judokas.
- Kenny Swain
Kenneth Swain (born 28 January 1952) is an English former footballer who played in numerous positions, including striker, midfielder and full back.
- Laura Taylor Swain
Laura Taylor Swain (born November 21, 1958) is a United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York.
- Cliff Swain
Cliff Swain (born March 21, 1966) is a professional racquetball player and coach from Boston, Massachusetts.
- Linda Swain
Linda Swain (born August 6, 1960) is an Emmy Award-winning producer, television host and owner of Swain Entertainment, a creative content and production company.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Swain Numerology: Name Swain has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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