What does the name Sverre mean? What is the meaning of the name Sverre
Meaning of Sverre: Name Sverre in the Norwegian origin, means To spin and swing wildly. Name Sverre is of Norwegian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Sverre are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Sverre (Namesakes)
- Sverre Bergli
Sverre Bergli (born 3 May 1926) is a Norwegian cinematographer.
- Sverre Anker Ousdal
Sverre Anker Ousdal (born 18 July 1944) is a Norwegian actor born in Flekkefjord, Norway.
- Prince Sverre Magnus of Norway
Prince Sverre Magnus of Norway (born 3 December 2005) is the younger child of Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit and third in line to succeed his grandfather King Harald V, after his father and elder sister Princess Ingrid Alexandra.
- Sverre Diesen
General Sverre Diesen (born 18 November 1949 in Oslo) is a Norwegian military officer and former Chief of Defence of Norway.
- Sverre Brandhaug
Sverre Brandhaug (born 22 June 1959) is a retired football player from Norway, who played as a central midfield from 1981 to 1991 for Rosenborg BK in the Norwegian Premier League.
- Sverre Lunde Pedersen
Sverre Lunde Pedersen (Norwegian: [ˈsvæ̂rɛ ˈlʉ̂ndɛ ˈpèːdæʂɛn] (listen); born 17 July 1992) is a Norwegian speed skater.
- Sverre Mauritzen
Sverre Mauritzen (born 6 October 1943) is a Norwegian diplomatist and politician for the Conservative Party (Høyre).
- Sverre Fornes
Sverre Fornes (born 25 April 1932) is a retired Norwegian footballer who played goalkeeper for Rosenborg BK between 1948 and 1965.
- Sverre Aarseth
Sverre Johannes Aarseth, (born 20 July 1934) is a research scientist at the Institute of Astronomy at the University of Cambridge.
- Sverre Gjørvad
Sverre Gjørvad (born 26 October 1966 in Stathelle, Norway) is a Norwegian jazz musician (drums) and composer.
- Sverre Isachsen
Sverre Isachsen (born 11 November 1970) is a Norwegian rallycross driver.
- Pål Sverre Hagen
Pål Sverre Valheim Hagen (born 6 November 1980) is a Norwegian stage and screen actor.
- Sverre Økland
Sverre Hjelle Økland (born 19 June 1993) is a Norwegian footballer who plays as a midfielder for Eliteserien club Ullensaker/Kisa.
- Sverre Norberg
Sverre Norberg (born 5 September 1953 in Horten, Norway) is a Norwegian sport rower.
- Sverre Bjørkkjær
Sverre Bjørkkjær (born 12 July 1996) is a Norwegian footballer who plays as a defender for Strømmen.
- Sverre Asmervik
Sverre Asmervik (born 23 July 1942) is a Norwegian psychologist, novelist and non-fiction writer.
- Sverre Heim
Sverre Heim (born 4 October 1951) is a Norwegian physician and cancer researcher.
- Sverre Kråkenes
Sverre Kråkenes (born 11 March 1931) is a Norwegian competition rower.
- Sverre Knudsen
Sverre Knudsen (born 1955) is a Norwegian writer and musician.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Sverre Numerology: Name Sverre has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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