What does the name Svein mean? What is the meaning of the name Svein
Meaning of Svein: Name Svein in the Scandinavian, Norwegian origin, means One who is young in age and spirit. Name Svein is of Scandinavian, Norwegian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Svein are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Svein (Namesakes)
- Svein Grøndalen
Svein Grøndalen (born 8 February 1955) is a Norwegian former footballer.
- Svein Munkejord
Svein Magnus Munkejord (born 26 September 1948) is a Norwegian politician for the Conservative Party.
- Svein Ludvigsen
Svein Harald Ludvigsen (born 18 July 1946) is a Norwegian former politician for the Conservative Party and a convicted sex offender.
- Svein Aaser
Svein Aaser (born 7 October 1946) is a former CEO of DnB NOR, the largest financial group in Norway.
- Svein Tuft
Svein Tuft (born May 9, 1977) is a Canadian former road bicycle racer, who rode professionally between 2005 and 2019 for the Symmetrics, Garmin–Transitions, SpiderTech–C10, Mitchelton–Scott and Rally UHC Cycling teams.
- Svein Nyhus
Svein Nyhus (born 23 January 1962) is a Norwegian illustrator and writer of children's books.
- Svein Alsaker
Svein Alsaker (born 11 March 1940 in Bergen) is a Norwegian politician for the Christian Democratic Party.
- Svein Rennemo
Svein Rennemo (born 24 July 1947) is a Norwegian businessperson and chair of Statoil.
- Svein-Erik Stiansen
Svein-Erik Stiansen (born 6 May 1942) is a Norwegian former speed skater.
- Svein Erik Brodal
Svein Erik Brodal (born 21 February 1939 in Østre Toten, Oppland) is a Norwegian actor, theatre director, poet, novelist and politician.
- Svein Engen
Svein Engen (born 27 March 1953 in Hønefoss) is a former Norwegian biathlete.
- Svein Fjælberg
Svein Fjælberg (born 12 January 1959) is a Norwegian former football defender.
- Svein Folkvord
Svein Folkvord (born 18 May 1967) is a Norwegian Jazz musician (double bass), sound engineer and composer, known from cooperations with Andy Sheppard, Paolo Fresu, Knut Kristiansen, John Pål Inderberg, Per Jørgensen, Phil McDermott, Jack Wilkins, Håkon Mjaset Johansen, Nils-Olav Johansen and Sverre Gjørvad.
- Svein Olav Herstad
- Svein Gaute Hølestøl
Svein Gaute Hølestøl (born 1 March 1971) is a Norwegian former professional cyclist.
- Svein Olav Blindheim
Svein Olav Blindheim (born 25 July 1954) is a Norwegian jazz double bassist, composer and writer, and the brother of jazz pianist Oddbjørn Blindheim.
- Svein-Erik Bjerkrheim
Svein-Erik Bjerkrheim (born 9 April 1971) is a Norwegian schoolteacher and handball player.
- Svein Stølen
Svein Stølen (born 2 March 1960) is a Norwegian chemist.
- Svein Erik Nilsen
Svein Erik Nilsen (born 25 July 1944) is a Norwegian rower.
- Svein Maalen
Svein Maalen (born 25 February 1978) is a Norwegian football coach who is currently the head coach of 1.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Svein Numerology: Name Svein has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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