What does the name Susana mean? What is the meaning of the name Susana
Meaning of Susana: Name Susana in the Hebrew, Portuguese origin, means Lily. Name Susana is of Hebrew, Portuguese origin and is a Unisex name. People with name Susana are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Susana (Namesakes)
- Susana Giménez
María Susana Giménez Aubert (born 29 January 1944), known as Susana Giménez (Spanish pronunciation: [suˈsana xiˈmenes]), is an Argentine TV host, actress, model and businesswoman.
- Susana Higuchi
Susana Shizuko Higuchi Miyagawa (born 26 April 1950) is a Japanese Peruvian politician and engineer, better known as the former wife of the 62nd president of Peru Alberto Fujimori.
- Susana Dosamantes
Susana Dosamantes (Spanish pronunciation: [suˈsana ðosaˈmantes]; born María del Perpetuo Socorro Guadalupe Susana Dosamantes Rul Riestra on January 9, 1948, in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico) is a Mexican actress.
- Susana Baca
Susana Esther Baca de la Colina (Spanish pronunciation: [suˈsana ˈβaka]; born 24 May 1944 in Chorrillos, Lima Province, Peru) is a prominent Peruvian singer-songwriter, school teacher, folklorist, ethnomusicologist and two-time Latin Grammy Award winner.
- Susana Seivane
Susana Seivane Hoyo (born 25 August 1976) is a Galician gaita (bagpipes) player.
- Susana González
Susana González (Spanish pronunciation: [suˈsana ɣonˈsales]; born Susana Alejandra González del Río on October 2, 1973 in Calera de Víctor Rosales, Zacatecas, Mexico) is a Mexican actress and model.
- Susana Mendoza
Susana A. Mendoza (born May 13, 1972) is an American politician.
- Susana Medina
Susana Medina (31 January 1966) is an English-Spanish writer.
- Susana Félix
Susana Félix (born 12 October 1975, in Torres Vedras) is a Portuguese singer, songwriter, musician, actress, producer.
- Susana Chou
- Susana Werner
Susana Werner (born July 20, 1977) is a Brazilian model and actress.
- Susana Zabaleta
Susana Zabaleta Ramos (Spanish pronunciation: [suˈsana saβaˈleta]; born September 30, 1964) is a Mexican soprano singer and actress.
- Susana Martinez
Susana Martinez (born July 14, 1959) is an American politician, former district attorney, and attorney who served as the 31st governor of New Mexico from 2011 to 2019.
- Susana Alexander
Suzanne Ellen Rose Alexander-Katz Kauffmann (born 3 July 1943), commonly known as Susana Alexander, is a Mexican actress, hostess, director, producer, translator, teacher and dancer.
- Susana Fraile
Susana Fraile Celaya (born 4 July 1978) is a Spanish team handball player who played for CBF Elda and on the Spanish national team.
- Susana Díaz
Susana Díaz Pacheco (Spanish pronunciation: [suˈsana ˈði.aθ]; born 18 October 1974) is a Spanish politician from Andalusia and a leading figure in the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) as a leader of the Andalusian PSOE-A.
She served as the President of Andalusia until January 2019, having acceded to the presidency following José Antonio Griñán's resignation in 2013, and was subsequently re-elected in Andalusia's 2015 regional election.
- Susana Diazayas
Susana Diazayas (born Susana Arlett Diazayas Jimeno on February 26, 1979 in Toluca, State of Mexico, Mexico) is a Mexican actress.
- Susana Andrade
Susana Andrade (born 9 February 1963) is a Uruguayan procurator, journalist, columnist, Umbanda religious figure, and politician.
- Susana Estrada
Ángela Susana Pereda Estrada (born 18 June 1950), known professionally as Susana Estrada, is a Spanish actress, vedette, and singer.
- Susana García
Susana García (born 8 January 1982) is a Spanish gymnast.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Susana Numerology: Name Susana has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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