What does the name Sunday mean? What is the meaning of the name Sunday?
Meaning of Sunday: Name Sunday in the English origin, means A day of rest. Sunday. Name Sunday is of English origin and is a Unisex name. People with name Sunday are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Sunday: A day of rest. Sunday
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SISTERS: Sibling Sister names for Sunday
BROTHERS: Sibling Brother names for Sunday
Famous people with name Sunday (Namesakes)
- Sunday Oliseh
Sunday Ogochukwu Oliseh (born 14 September 1974) is a Nigerian football manager and former player.
- Stephen Sunday
Stephen Obayan Sunday (born 17 September 1988), nicknamed Sunny, is a Nigerian professional footballer who plays as a defensive midfielder for Cypriot club Pafos.
- Sunday Salvacion
Sunday Salvacion (born December 17, 1978) is a Filipino professional basketball player who is a playing assistant coach of the Navotas Clutch, a team in the Maharlika Pilipinas Basketball League.
- Sunday Adelaja
Sunday Adelaja (Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian: Сандей Аделаджа) is the founder and senior pastor of the Embassy of the Blessed Kingdom of God for All Nations, an evangelical-charismatic megachurch and a Christian denomination in Kiev, Ukraine.
- Sunday Chidzambwa
Sunday Marimo Chidzambwa is a Zimbabwean association football coach and former player.
- Sunday Ifere
Sunday Orinya Ifere (born 19 December 1943) was a Nigerian army officer who was the Military Governor of Kwara State between July 1978 and October 1979.
- Sunday Mba
- Gabriel Sunday
Gabriel Sunday (born October 18, 1985) is an American actor and director, best known for portraying Archibald Holden Buster Williams in the teen comedy-drama film Archie's Final Project, and for directing and starring in the Daniel Johnston short film Hi, How Are You Daniel Johnston? as '1983 Daniel Johnston' alongside his modern day, real life counterpart.
- Johnson Sunday
Johnson Sunday (born 10 January 1981) is a Nigerian former international footballer who played as a midfielder.
- Sunday (singer)
Jin Bo-ra (born January 12, 1987), known professionally as Sunday, is a South Korean singer and musical actress.
- Joel Sunday
Joel Sunday (born 31 December 1988) is Nigerian footballer, who plays as a forward for I-League 2nd Division outfit Rainbow AC .
- Sunday Akinbule
Ayonfe Sunday Akinbule, known as Sunday Akinbule (born 27 October 1996) is a Nigerian football player who plays .
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Sunday Numerology: Name Sunday has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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