What does the name Stu mean? What is the meaning of the name Stu
Meaning of Stu: Name Stu in the Anglo Saxon origin, means A short form of stewart, stuart. Name Stu is of Anglo Saxon origin and is a Boy name. People with name Stu are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Stu (Namesakes)
- Stu Barnes
Stuart Douglas Barnes (born December 25, 1970) is a Canadian former professional ice hockey forward.
- Stu Cook
Stuart Alden Cook (born April 25, 1945) is an American bass guitarist, best known for his work in the rock band Creedence Clearwater Revival, for which he is a member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
- Stu Phillips (composer)
Stuart Phillips (born September 9, 1929) is an American composer of film scores and television-series theme music, conductor and record producer.
- Stu Lantz
Stuart Burrell Lantz (born July 13, 1946) is an American former basketball player who is a television commentator for the Los Angeles Lakers of the National Basketball Association (NBA) on Spectrum SportsNet.
- Stu Thomsen
Stuart L. Thomsen (born May 20, 1958 in Whittier, California) is an American former bicycle motocross (BMX) racer.
- Stu G
Stuart David Garrard (born 6 July 1963) better known by the stage name Stu G, is an English vocalist, guitarist, and songwriter.
- Stuart Stone
Stu Stone (born Stuart Eisenstein; November 17, 1980) is a Canadian film, television, and voice-over actor as well as a producer of television, film and music.
- Stu Pollard
Stu Pollard (born January 26, 1967) is an American film producer, writer and director.
- Stu Block
Stuart Block (born November 26, 1977) is a Canadian singer-songwriter, who was the frontman for Canadian progressive death metal band Into Eternity, and is now the lead vocalist for American heavy metal band Iced Earth.
- Stu Pederson
Stuart Russell Pederson (born January 28, 1960) is an American retired professional baseball outfielder who played for the Los Angeles Dodgers of Major League Baseball.
- Stu Phillips (country singer)
Stu Phillips (born January 19, 1933) is a Canadian-American country singer from Montreal, Quebec.
- Stu Cole
Stewart Bryan Cole (born February 7, 1966) is an American former professional baseball infielder and current coach.
- Stu Forster
Stuart Thomas Forster (born 12 February 1969) is a former New Zealand rugby union player.
- Stu Shea
K. Stuart "Stu" Shea (born January 9, 1957) is an American business executive and leader and intelligence professional serving in a leadership capacity to public and private companies, as well as an advisor to government agencies, private equity investors, and academic institutions.
- Stu Scheurwater
Stuart Jeffrey Scheurwater (born May 6, 1983) is a Major League Baseball (MLB) umpire.
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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Stu Numerology: Name Stu has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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