What does the name Stine mean? What is the meaning of the name Stine
Meaning of Stine: Name Stine in the Danish origin, means She is a Christianity woman. Name Stine is of Danish origin and is a Girl name. People with name Stine are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Stine (Namesakes)
- Stine Bosse
Christine 'Stine' Bosse is a Danish businesswoman.
- R. L. Stine
Robert Lawrence Stine (; born October 8, 1943), sometimes known as Jovial Bob Stine and Eric Affabee, is an American novelist, short story writer, television producer, screenwriter, and executive editor.
- Stine Stengade
- Stine Hjermstad Kirkevik
Stine Hjermstad Kirkevik (born 24 January 1976) is a Norwegian ski-orienteering competitor and world champion.
- Stine Bredal Oftedal
Stine Bredal Oftedal (born 25 September 1991) is a Norwegian handball player for Győri Audi ETO KC and the Norwegian national team, where she is the team captain.
She hails from Nittedal and started her career in Nit/Hak HK. She then continued to Fjellhammer IL before continuing to Helset IF. Helset is a feeder team for Stabæk Håndball, and so she has played for Stabæk since the 2008–09 season while still being registered in Helset.
She studied at BI Norwegian Business School.
- Katie Kratz Stine
Katie Kratz Stine (born December 6, 1956) was a Republican member of the Kentucky Senate representing Campbell and Pendleton Counties as State Senator from the 24th Senate District from 1999 until 2015.
- Stine Hofgaard Nilsen
Stine Hofgaard Nilsen (born 24 September 1979) is a Norwegian alpine skier, born in Bergen.
- Stine Nielsen
Stine Nielsen (born 9 February 1991) is a Danish sports shooter.
- W. Stine Isenhower
Walter Stine Isenhower (born April 27, 1927) was an American politician in the state of North Carolina.
A native of Conover, North Carolina, Isenhower is an alumnus of Lenoir-Rhyne College and a former insurance agent.
- Dennis Stine
Dennis Neal Stine (born April 20, 1952) is a businessman from his native Lake Charles, Louisiana, who served from 1987 to 1988 as a Democrat in the Louisiana House of Representatives for District 33 Calcasieu Parish in the southwestern portion of his state.
- Tim Stine
Timothy Drost Stine, known as Tim Stine (born October 26, 1956), is a businessman from his native Sulphur, Louisiana, who served from 1989 to 1996 as a Democrat in the Louisiana House of Representatives for District 33 in Calcasieu Parish in the southwestern portion of his state.
On October 1, 1988, Stine handily won a special election over two fellow Democrats, Raphael Anthony "Ray" Coltrin (1947-2010), an electrician who had served on the Calcasieu Parish Police Jury, and lawyer Oliver "Jackson" Schrumpf, for the right to succeed his brother, Dennis Stine, who had resigned to become state commissioner of administration under newly elected Governor Buddy Roemer.
- Stine Skogrand
Stine Ruscetta Skogrand (born 3 March 1993) is a Norwegian handball player for Herning-Ikast Håndbold and the Norway women's national handball team.
- Stine Reinås
Stine Pettersen Reinås (born 15 July 1994) is a Norwegian football defender who currently plays for Toppserien side Stabæk.
- Trevor Stines
Trevor Stines is an American actor.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 22
Baby Name Stine Numerology: Name Stine has a number value of 22 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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