What does the name Stina mean? What is the meaning of the name Stina
Meaning of Stina: Name Stina in the Swedish origin, means She is a good Christianity. Name Stina is of Swedish origin and is a Girl name. People with name Stina are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Stina (Namesakes)
- Stina Nordenstam
Kristina Ulrika Nordenstam (born 4 March 1969) better known by her stage name Stina Nordenstam, is a Swedish singer-songwriter.
- Stina Ekblad
Stina Åsa Maria Ekblad (born 26 February 1954 in Solf, Ostrobothnia, Finland) is a Swedish-speaking Finnish actress.
- Stina Lundberg Dabrowski
Stina Lundberg Dabrowski (born December 3, 1950) is a Swedish journalist, television host, producer, writer, and professor of television production.
- Stina Segerström
Stina Segerström (born 17 June 1982) is a Swedish football defender who last played for Kopparbergs/Göteborg FC and the Swedish national team.
- Stina Rautelin
Stina Agnes Elisabeth Rautelin (born 25 October 1963 in Helsinki) is a Finland-Swede actor, working in Sweden.
- Stina Lykke Petersen
Stina Lykke Petersen (born 9 February 1986) is a former Danish football goalkeeper who last played for Danish club Kolding Q and the Denmark women's national football team.
- Stina Martini
Stina Martini (born 7 February 1993 in Salzburg) is an Austrian pair skater.
- Nea-Stina Liljedahl
Nea-Stina Liljedahl (born 16 January 1993) is a Finnish footballer currently playing for FC Honka's women's team in the Naisten Liiga.
- Stina Wollter
Stina Margareta Ulrika Wollter (born 24 May 1964) is a Swedish artist, television presenter and author.
- Stina Nilsson
Stina Nilsson (born 24 June 1993) is a Swedish cross-country skier.
- CajsaStina Åkerström
Cajsa Stina (CajsaStina) Åkerström, (born 16 August 1967) is a Swedish singer-songwriter and author.
- Stina Blackstenius
Emma Stina Blackstenius (born 5 February 1996) is a Swedish footballer who plays as a forward for Damallsvenskan club Kopparbergs/Göteborg FC. She is a member of the Swedish national team.
- Stina Karlsson
Stina Ulrika Karlsson (born 27 April 1961) is a Swedish cross-country skier.
- Stina Oscarson
Stina Elisabet Oscarson, (born 17 October 1975) is a Swedish theater director, author, and debater.
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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Stina Numerology: Name Stina has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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