What does the name Stig mean? What is the meaning of the name Stig
Meaning of Stig: Name Stig in the Swedish origin, means To be on a path. Name Stig is of Swedish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Stig are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Stig (Namesakes)
- Stig Blomqvist
Stig Lennart Blomqvist (born 29 July 1946) is a Swedish rally driver.
- Stig Inge Bjørnebye
Stig Inge Bjørnebye (born 11 December 1969) is a Norwegian former professional footballer who played in Norway, England, and Denmark, most notably for Liverpool.
- Stig Strand
Stig Strand (born 25 August 1956 in Tärnaby, Swedish Lapland) is a Swedish former alpine skier and a sports commentator on alpine skiing.
- Stig Tøfting
Stig Tøfting (born 14 August 1969), nicknamed Tøffe, and The Lawn Mower, is a former Danish professional footballer and assistant coach, who most recently was the assistant of Erik Rasmussen at AGF.
Tøfting played most of his career as a defensive midfielder, and he was a hard-hitter who often engaged in rash tackles.
- Stig Fredriksson
Stig Fredriksson (born 6 March 1956 in Sorsele, Sweden) is a former Swedish football defender.
- Stig Henrik Hoff
Stig Henrik Hoff (born 4 February 1965) is a Norwegian actor.
- Stig Kristensen
Stig Kristensen (born 25 December 1985), is a Danish cartoonist and illustrator, and author of the Danish comic strip "Stig's Stribe" (Stig's Strip in English) which currently is published in the Danish newspaper, Fyens Stiftstidende.
- Stig Björkman
Stig Björkman (born 2 October 1938) is a Swedish writer and film critic.
- Stig Severinsen
Stig Åvall Severinsen is a Danish freediver.
- Stig Larsson (author)
Stig Håkan Larsson is a Swedish writer of novels, dramas, poetry, political essays and short stories, film writer, director and actor.
- Stig Östling
Stig Arne Holger Östling (born December 31, 1948) is a Swedish former ice hockey defenceman.
- Stig Hvalryg
Stig Hvalryg (born 15 July 1960 in Oslo, Norway) is a Norwegian jazz musician (upright bass), known from several orchestras and recordings, and a profile on the Oslo Jazz scene in recent years.
- Stig Engström
For the Olof Palme murder witness and posthumous suspect, See "The Skandia Man".
Stig Engström (born 14 January 1942) is a Swedish actor.
- Stig Abell
Stephen "Stig" Paul Abell (born 10 April 1980) is an English journalist, newspaper editor and radio presenter.
- Stig Broeckx
Stig Broeckx (born 10 May 1990 in Mol) is a Belgian former racing cyclist who was signed to Lotto–Soudal.
- Stig Rästa
Raul-Stig Rästa (born 24 February 1980) is an Estonian singer and songwriter who, along with singer Elina Born, represented Estonia in the Eurovision Song Contest 2015 with the song "Goodbye to Yesterday".
- Stig Brodersen
Stig Brodersen (born August 1, 1984) is a Danish investor, author, and former college professor.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Stig Numerology: Name Stig has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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