What does the name Sten mean? What is the meaning of the name Sten
Meaning of Sten: Name Sten in the Swedish origin, means To be like a stone. Name Sten is of Swedish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Sten are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Sten (Namesakes)
- Sten Stensen
Sten Einar Stensen (born 18 December 1947) is a former speed skater.
- Sten Tolgfors
Sten Sture Tolgfors (born 17 July 1966 in Forshaga) is the manager and part owner of the business consulting firm Rud Pedersen and a former Swedish politician.
- Sten Nordin
Sten Roland Nordin (born 18 February 1956 in Tystberga, Södermanland), is a Swedish politician of the Moderate Party and the current Governor of Blekinge County.
- Sten Pålsson
Sten Pålsson (born 4 December 1945) is a former Swedish footballer.
- Sten Odenwald
Sten Felix Odenwald (born November 23, 1952) is an American astronomer, author, and NASA scientist-educator.
- Sten Ziegler
Sten Hugo Ziegler (born 30 May 1950 in Copenhagen) is a Danish former football player who played for Hvidovre IF in Denmark and Roda JC and Ajax in the Netherlands.
- Sten Pentus
Sten Pentus (born 3 November 1981 in Tallinn) is an Estonian racing driver.
He is a former Estonian Formula 4 Champion, and a previous winner of the Formula Baltic championship in a Reynard 903.
- Sten Sokk
Sten-Timmu Sokk (born 14 February 1989) is an Estonian professional basketball player for Kalev/Cramo of the Latvian–Estonian League.
- Sten Grytebust
Sten Michael Grytebust (born 25 October 1989) is a Norwegian professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for the Danish Superliga side FC Copenhagen.
- Sten Ljunggren
Sten Ivar Ljunggren (born 16 October 1938) is a Swedish character actor.
- Sten Ekberg
Sten Anders Ekberg (born 25 December 1964 in Täby, Sweden) is a former decathlon athlete who competed in the 1992 Summer Olympics for Sweden and a Swedish decathlete National Record holder.
- Sten Ove Eike
Sten Ove Eike (born 8 October 1981) is a former Norwegian professional football forward, who played for Haugesund most of his career.
- Sten Teino
Sten Teino (born 2 April 1991) is an Estonian football and futsal player, who currently plays for Tallinna Kalev.
- Sten Olmre
Sten Olmre (born 31 January 1995) is an Estonian professional basketball player who currently plays for the Estonian team TTÜ of Korvpalli Meistriliiga and the Baltic Basketball League.
- Nastya Sten
Nastya 'Sten' Stepanova (Russian: Настя 'Стен' Степанова; born 22 March 1995) is a Russian fashion model.
- Sten Karlsson
Sten Karlsson (born 1 January 1936) is a Swedish former sports shooter.
- Sten Stymne
Sten Gustaf Stymne (born 28 November 1949 in Gävle) is a Swedish biochemist and professor emeritus in plant breeding at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
- Sten Feldreich
Sten Feldreich (born 24 July 1955) is a Swedish basketball player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Sten Numerology: Name Sten has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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