What does the name Steel mean? What is the meaning of the name Steel
Meaning of Steel: Name Steel in the English, American origin, means One who works with iron and steel. Name Steel is of English, American origin and is a Boy name. People with name Steel are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Steel (Namesakes)
- Danielle Steel
Danielle Fernandes Dominique Schuelein-Steel (born August 14, 1947) is an American writer, best known for her romance novels.
- David Steel
David Martin Scott Steel, Baron Steel of Aikwood, (born 31 March 1938) is a British politician.
- Mark Steel
Mark Steel (born 4 July 1960) is an English comedian, broadcaster, newspaper columnist and author.
- John Steel (drummer)
John Steel (born 4 February 1941) is an English musician well known for being the drummer for The Animals.
- Ace Steel
Christopher Guy (born January 25, 1973) is an American professional wrestler better known by his ring name Ace Steel.
- Amy Steel
Amy Steel Pulitzer (born Alice Amy Steel; May 3, 1960) is an American actress and psychologist.
- Ben Steel
Ben Steel (born 9 October 1975) is an Australian actor and director who is most known for his regular role of Jude Lawson in Australian soap Home and Away.
- Michelle Steel
Michelle Eunjoo Park Steel (born June 21, 1955) is an American Republican government official.
- Jon Steel
Jon Steel (born 14 March 1980), also known by the nicknames of "Steely" and "Old Boy", is a former professional rugby league footballer who played in the 2000s and 2001s, he played in the Super League for Hull Kingston Rovers, and in the Championship for Featherstone Rovers.
- Hollie Steel
Hollie Steel (born 1 July 1998) is a performer originally from Burnley, Lancashire England.
- Riley Steele
- Melissa Steel
Melissa Steel (born 6 July 1993), is an English singer from Bradford, England.
- Sam Steel
Sam Steel (born February 3, 1998) is a Canadian ice hockey centre who currently plays for the Anaheim Ducks of the National Hockey League (NHL).
- Steel Banglez
Pahuldip Singh Sandhu (born 5 February 1987), known by his stage name Steel Banglez, is a British record producer and musician of Indian Punjabi descent.
- Georgia Steel
Georgia Steel (born 28 March 1998) is an English television personality and actress.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Steel Numerology: Name Steel has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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