What does the name Stavros mean? What is the meaning of the name Stavros
Meaning of Stavros: Name Stavros in the Greek origin, means A Greek name that means cross. Name Stavros is of Greek origin and is a Boy name. People with name Stavros are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Stavros (Namesakes)
- Stavros Dimas
Stavros Dimas (Greek: Σταύρος Δήμας, Greek pronunciation: [ˈstavros ˈðimas]; born 30 April 1941) is a Greek politician who was European Commissioner for the Environment from 2004 to 2009.
- Stavros Lambrinidis
Stavros Lambrinidis (Greek: Σταύρος Λαμπρινίδης; born 6 February 1962) is a Greek lawyer and politician who has served as the Ambassador of the European Union to the United States since March 2019.
- Stavros Konstantinou
Stavros Konstantinou (Σταύρος Κωνσταντίνου) (born 25 August 1984 in Nicosia, Cyprus) is a Greek Cypriot singer who rose to popularity after winning Super Idol, the Greek version of Pop Idol, shown by MEGA TV in 2004, in its only season under that name.
- Jasmin Stavros
Milo Vasić, known as Jasmin Stavros, (born 1 November 1954) is a Croatian pop musician.
- Stavros Glouftsis
Stavros Glouftsis (Greek: Σταύρος Γλουφτσής; born 20 October 1981 in Etterbeek) is a Greek football striker who is currently playing for ROFC Stockel.
- Stavros Georgiou
Stavros Georgiou (Greek: Σταύρος Γεωργίου; born September 14, 1972) is a football manager and former international footballer.
- Stavros Foukaris
Stavros Foukaris (Greek: Σταύρος Φουκαρής) (born April 15, 1975) is a former international Cypriot football defender.
- Stavros Michalakakos
Stavros Michalakakos (in Greek Σταύρος Μιχαλακάκος) (born 9 April 1987) is a Greek Cypriot singer.
- Stavros Michaelides
Stavros Michaelides (also Stavros Mikhailidis, Greek: Σταύρος Μιχαηλίδης; born November 20, 1970) is a Cypriot former swimmer, who specialized in sprint freestyle events.
- Stavros Petavrakis
Stavros Petavrakis (Greek: Σταύρος Πεταυράκης, born 9 November 1992) is a Greek professional footballer who plays as a left back for Football League club Veria.
- Stavros Theodorakis
Stavros Theodorakis (Greek: Σταύρος Θεοδωράκης [ˌstavros θeoðoˈracis]; born 1963) is a Greek journalist and politician, who founded and lead the party To Potami (The River).
- Stavros Schizas
Stavros Schizas (Greek: Σταύρος Σχίζας); (born January 10, 1989 in Athens, Greece) is a Greek professional basketball player for PAOK of the Greek Basket League.
- Stavros Vasilantonopoulos
Stavros Vasilantonopoulos (Greek: Σταύρος Βασιλαντωνόπουλος, born 28 January 1992) is a Greek professional footballer who plays as a right-back for Polish club Górnik Zabrze, on loan from AEK Athens.
- Stavros Zevlaris
Stavros Zevlaris (Greek: Σταύρος Ζεβλάρης; born 23 May 1994) is a Cypriot football midfielder who played for P.O. Xylotymbou.
- Stavros Christoforou
Stavros Christoforou (Greek: Σταύρος Χριστοφόρου; born 24 May 2000) is a Cypriot professional football midfielder who plays for Cypriot First Division club Omonia Nicosia.
- Stavros Khristoforidis
Stavros Khristoforidis (born 20 April 1974) is a Greek biathlete.
- Stavros Exakoustidis
Stavros Exakoustidis is a Greek kickboxer fighting for the K-1 organization.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Stavros Numerology: Name Stavros has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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