What does the name Stanislas mean? What is the meaning of the name Stanislas
Meaning of Stanislas: Name Stanislas in the Slavic origin, means A man who achieves glory. Name Stanislas is of Slavic origin and is a Boy name. People with name Stanislas are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Stanislas (Namesakes)
- Stanislas Dehaene
Stanislas Dehaene (born May 12, 1965) is a French author and cognitive neuroscientist whose research centers on a number of topics, including numerical cognition, the neural basis of reading and the neural correlates of consciousness.
- Stanislas de Laboulaye
Stanislas François Jean Lefebvre de Laboulaye (born 12 December 1946 in Beirut) is a French diplomat.
- Stanislas (singer)
Louis Stanislas Renoult (born 29 May 1972, in Fontainebleau, Seine-et-Marne), just known as Stanislas, is a French singer.
- Junior Stanislas
Felix Junior Stanislas (born 26 November 1989), is an English professional footballer who plays as a winger for Premier League club AFC Bournemouth.
- Stanislas Merhar
Stanislas Merhar (born 24 January 1971) is a French actor.
He was born in Paris in a family of immigrants from Slovenia.
- Stanislas Oliveira
Stanislas Oliveira (born 27 March 1988) is a Portuguese footballer who currently plays for Championnat National club US Quevilly-Rouen.
- Stanislas Lalanne
Monsignor Stanislas Marie Georges Jude Lalanne (born 3 August 1948 in Metz) is a French Roman Catholic bishop.
- Stanislas Robin
Stanislas Robin (born October 21, 1990) is a French rugby league footballer who plays as a scrum-half or stand-off for Toulouse Olympique in the Betfred Championship.
- Stanislas Guerini
Stanislas Guerini (born 14 May 1982) is a French politician serving as Executive Officer of La République En Marche!
- Stanislas Solaux
Stanislas Solaux (born December 4, 1975) is a French former ice hockey forward.
- Stanislas Dripaux
Stanislas Dripaux (born: 3 August 1962) is a sailor from Épinal, France.
- Stanislas Ouaro
Stanislas Ouaro (born 19 January 1975) is a Burkinabé politician and mathematician.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Stanislas Numerology: Name Stanislas has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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