What does the name Spicer mean? What is the meaning of the name Spicer
Meaning of Spicer: Name Spicer in the English origin, means An occupational surname, meanins one who is a seller of spices. Name Spicer is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Spicer are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Spicer: An occupational surname, meanins one who is a seller of spices
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BROTHERS: Sibling Brother names for Spicer
Famous people with name Spicer (Namesakes)
- Lorne Spicer
Lorne Spicer (born 16 September 1965 in Upminster, Greater London) is an English television presenter best known for presenting reality shows on the BBC's daytime output.
- Paul Spicer
Paul Spicer (born August 18, 1975) is an assistant defensive line coach for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers of the National Football League.
- John Spicer (footballer)
John William Spicer (born 13 September 1983 in Romford, Greater London) is an English former professional footballer.
- Tracey Spicer
Tracey Leigh Spicer (born 25 June 1967 in Brisbane, Queensland) is an Australian newsreader, Walkley Award winning journalist and advocate.
- Dave Spicer
David Spicer (born May 31, 1985 in Victoria, British Columbia) is a Canadian rugby union player who plays club rugby for the UBCOB Ravens of the British Columbia Premiership and who is also a member of the Canadian national team.
- Darren Spicer
Darren Spicer (born August 27, 1983) is an American soccer player who last played for Rochester Rhinos in the USSF Division 2 Professional League.
- Michale Spicer
Michale Spicer (born June 30, 1982) is an American football defensive end who is currently a free agent.
- Averell Spicer
Averell Spicer (born April 26, 1987) is a former American football defensive tackle.
- Bill Spicer
Bill Spicer (born October 1, 1937) is an editor and publisher who spearheaded the 1960s movement away from commercial comics, opening the gateway to underground, alternative, and independent comics, notably with his publication Graphic Story Magazine.
- Nellie Spicer
Mary Nelson "Nellie" Spicer (born July 3, 1987) is an American indoor volleyball player.
- Sean Spicer
Sean Michael Spicer (born September 23, 1971) is an American political aide who served as the 28th White House Press Secretary and as White House Communications Director under President Donald Trump in 2017.
- Becky Spicer
Rebecca Jane Spicer (born 1980) is a female retired British sport shooter.
- Terry Spicer
Terry Spicer (born September 17, 1965) is an American politician who served in the Alabama House of Representatives from the 91st district from 1998 to 2010.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Spicer Numerology: Name Spicer has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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