What does the name Spence mean? What is the meaning of the name Spence
Meaning of Spence: Name Spence in the Anglo Saxon origin, means A short form of spencer. Name Spence is of Anglo Saxon origin and is a Boy name. People with name Spence are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Spence (Namesakes)
- Derek Spence
Derek William Spence (born 18 January 1952 in Belfast) is a Northern Irish former professional footballer.
- Michael Spence
Andrew Michael Spence (born November 7, 1943, Montclair, New Jersey) is a Canadian American economist and recipient of the 2001 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, along with George Akerlof and Joseph E. Stiglitz, for their work on the dynamics of information flows and market development.
- Jonathan Spence
Jonathan Dermot Spence (born 11 August 1936) is an English-born American historian and public intellectual specialising in Chinese history.
- Bruce Spence
Bruce Spence (born 17 September 1945) is an Australian actor originally from New Zealand.
- Gerry Spence
Gerald Leonard Spence (born January 8, 1929) is a semi-retired American trial lawyer.
- Sebastian Spence
Sebastian Spence (born December 9, 1969) is a Canadian actor.
- Lewwis Spence
Lewwis Gavin Spence (born 29 October 1987), is an English footballer who plays for AFC Hornchurch.
- Russell Spence
Russell Spence (born 3 January 1960 in Bradford, Yorkshire) is an English racing driver.
- Jordan Spence
Jordan James Spence (born 24 May 1990) is an English professional footballer who most recently played for ADO Den Haag in the Eredivisie.
- Sean Spence
Sean Ryan Christopher Spence (born June 7, 1990) is an American football linebacker who is currently a free agent.
- Louie Spence
Louie Spence (born 6 April 1969) is an English dancer, choreographer and television personality, best known for the TV show Pineapple Dance Studios.
- Phil Spence
Phil Spence (born March 13, 1954) is a retired American basketball player and coach.
- Errol Spence Jr.
Errol Spence Jr. (born March 3, 1990) is an American professional boxer who is a unified welterweight champion, having held the IBF title since 2017 and the WBC title since 2019.
- Dave Spence
Dave Spence (born February 28, 1958) is an American corporate executive and politician.
- Akeem Spence
Akeem Spence (born November 29, 1991) is an American football defensive tackle who is a free agent.
- Kyle Spence
Kyle Cameron Walter Spence (born 14 January 1997) is a professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Norwegian side Øygarden.
- Skylar Spence
Ryan DeRobertis (born February 2, 1993, known by his stage name Skylar Spence and formerly known as Saint Pepsi) is an American electronic musician and singer who grew up in Farmingville, New York and attended Boston College for two years studying music.
- Drew Spence
Drew Spence (born 23 October 1992) is an English footballer who plays as a midfielder for FA WSL club Chelsea and won two caps for the England women's national football team.
- Noah Spence
Noah Spence (born January 8, 1994) is an American football defensive end for the New Orleans Saints of the National Football League (NFL).
- Emma Spence
Emma Spence (born February 27, 2003) is a Canadian artistic gymnast and the 2018 Youth Olympic bronze medalist on vault.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Spence Numerology: Name Spence has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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