What does the name Sotiris mean? What is the meaning of the name Sotiris
Meaning of Sotiris: Name Sotiris in the Greek origin, means He is salvation. Name Sotiris is of Greek origin and is a Boy name. People with name Sotiris are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Sotiris (Namesakes)
- Sotiris Leontiou
Sotiris Leontiou (Greek: Σωτήρης Λεοντίου born on 17 July 1984 in Ioannina, Greece) is a Greek footballer who plays for P.O. Psychikou, as defensive midfielder or as a left full back.
- Sotiris Kaiafas
Sotirios Kaiafas (Greek: Σωτήριος Καϊάφας; born 17 December 1949) is a retired Cypriot footballer who is considered to be the best footballer that Cyprus has ever produced.
- Sotiris Ninis
Sotiris Ninis (Greek: Σωτήρης Νίνης; born 3 April 1990) is a Greek professional footballer who plays as an attacking midfielder or a right winger.
- Sotiris Liberopoulos
Sotiris Liberopoulos (Greek: Σωτήρης Λυμπερόπουλος, born 29 June 1977) is a Greek footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Ermionida.
- Sotiris Konstantinidis
Sotiris Konstantinidis (Greek: Σωτήρης Κωνσταντινίδης; born 19 April 1977 in Sidirokastro) is a former Greek footballer who last played for Ethnikos Gazoros in the Beta Ethniki.
- Sotiris Lagonikas
Sotiris Lagonikas (born 17 June 1970) is a Greek musician, best known for his work as co-founder and drummer of the Greek classic rock group What's The Buzz?, as well as for his SL Theory music project, where he has composed the music and written the lyrics while performing all instruments and vocals recorded on his debut album which was released in 2010 under the title "SL Theory - I".
- Sotiris Delis
Sotiris Delis (born 7 February 1955) is a Swedish politician of the Moderate Party.
- Sotiris Sakellariou
Sotiris Sakellariou (alternate spelling: Sotirios) (Greek: Σωτήρης Σακελλαρίου; born November 13, 1955) is a retired Greek professional basketball player.
- Sotiris Chamos
Sotiris Chamos (Greek: Σωτήρης Χάμος; born 15 December 1993) is a Greek professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for PO Elassona.
- Sotiris Katoufas
Sotiris Katoufas (alternate spelling Sotirios) (Greek: Σωτήρης Κατούφας; born July 10, 1979) is a Greek professional basketball player for Ionikos Nikaias of the Greek Basket League.
- Sotiris Vasiliou
Sotiris Vasiliou (Greek: Σωτήρης Βασιλείου, born 29 December 1996) is a Cypriot footballer who plays for AEZ Zakakiou as a left back.
- Sotiris-Pantelis Pispas
Sotiris-Pantelis Pispas (Greek: Σωτήρης-Παντελής Πίσπας; born 1 August 1998) is a Greek professional footballer who plays as a striker for Episkopi.
- Sotiris Nikolaidis
Sotiris "Sotos" Nikolaidis (Greek: Σωτήρης "Σώτος" Νικολαΐδης; born May 25, 1974) in Thessaloniki, Greece, is a retired Greek professional basketball player and coach.
- Theofanis Sotiris
Theofanis Sotiris (born February 23, 1993) is a Greek footballer.
- Sotiris Ventas
Sotiris Ventas (born 15 March 1945) is a Greek wrestler.
- Sotiris Mavromatis
Sotiris Mavromatis (Greek: Σωτήρης Μαυρομάτης; born 21 February 1966) is a Greek retired football midfielder and later manager.
- Sotiris Tsiloulis
Sotiris Tsiloulis (Greek: Σωτήρης Τσιλούλης; born 14 February 1995) is a Greek professional footballer who plays as a winger for Panionios.
- Sotiris Tsiodras
Sotiris Tsiodras (Greek: Σωτήρης Τσιόδρας; born 13 October 1965) is an Australia-born Greek pathologist physician, specializing in infectology, in charge of Greece's management of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 crisis.
- Aishi
- Aishaanya
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Sotiris Numerology: Name Sotiris has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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