What does the name Sorin mean? What is the meaning of the name Sorin
Meaning of Sorin: Name Sorin in the Romanian origin, means He is like the Sun. Name Sorin is of Romanian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Sorin are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Sorin (Namesakes)
- Sorin Ghionea
- Sorin Oprescu
Sorin Mircea Oprescu (Romanian pronunciation: [soˈrin oˈpresku]; born 7 November 1951) is a Romanian independent politician and medical doctor who was Mayor of Bucharest between 2008 and 2015.
- Olivier Sorin
Olivier Sorin (born 16 April 1981 in Gien) is a French footballer who last played as goalkeeper for Rennes in the French Ligue 1.
- Sorin Iodi
Sorin Adrian Iodi (born 12 June 1976 in Sighetu Marmaţiei) is a Romanian former football player.
- Arthur Sorin
Arthur Sorin (born 1 November 1985) is a French footballer.
- Sorin Trofin
Ionel Sorin Trofin (born 30 January 1976) is a Romanian footballer who plays as a midfielder and also manages Liga IV club Moinești since 2009.
- Sorin Poenaru
Sorin Poenaru (born 10 September 1938) is a Romanian fencer.
- Sorin Roca
Sorin Roca (born 12 February 1960) is a Romanian fencer.
- Sorin Pană
Sorin Constantin Pană (born 28 November 1981, Bucharest) is a Romanian former footballer who played as a defender or midfielder.
- Sorin Ispir
Sorin Constantin Ispir (born 26 July 1988 in Brăneşti, Romania) is a Romanian footballer who plays as a midfielder for Liga III side Metalul Buzău.
- Michel Sorin
Michel Sorin (born 18 September 1961 in Cossé-le-Vivien) is a former French footballer, who is the former National team manager of Benin and from 2011 to 2019 was the head coach of AS Vitré.
- Sorin Cucu
Sorin Daniel Cucu (born 17 June 1990) is a Romanian professional footballer who currently plays for French club Jura Sud Foot as a left back.
- Sorin Cîmpeanu
Sorin Mihai Cîmpeanu (Romanian pronunciation: [soˈrin miˈhaj kɨmˈpe̯anu]) is a Romanian politician, former Minister of Education in Ponta IV cabinet and, between 5 and 17 November 2015, acting Prime Minister of Romania, after President Klaus Iohannis accepted Prime Minister Ponta's resignation.
- Sorin Grindeanu
Sorin Mihai Grindeanu (Romanian pronunciation: [soˈrin miˈhaj ɡrinˈde̯anu]; born 5 December 1973) is a Romanian politician who served as Prime Minister of Romania from January to June 2017 when he was removed by a motion of no confidence adopted by Parliament.
- Sorin Cigan
Sorin Cigan (born 29 May 1964) is a Romanian former professional footballer who played as a striker and currently a manager.
- Sorin Bucuroaia
Sorin Ciprian Bucuroaia (born 3 February 1978) is a Romanian former professional footballer who played as a midfielder for teams such as Extensiv Craiova, ARO Câmpulung, Gaz Metan Mediaș, Gloria Bistrița or Zimbru Chișinău, among others.
- Sorin Șerban
Sorin Dănuț Șerban (born 17 April 2000) is a Romanian professional footballer who plays as a left back for Politehnica Iași, on loan from FCSB.
- Sorin Oncică
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Sorin Numerology: Name Sorin has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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