What does the name Soo mean? What is the meaning of the name Soo
Meaning of Soo: Name Soo in the Korean origin, means A charitable, kind and noble person. Name Soo is of Korean origin and is a Girl name. People with name Soo are usually Buddhist by religion.
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Famous people with name Soo (Namesakes)
- Park Soo-jin
Park Soo-jin (born November 27, 1985) is a South Korean actress.
- Kim Hye-soo
Kim Hye-soo (Korean: 김혜수; born September 5, 1970) is a South Korean actress.
- Lee Soo-man
Lee Soo-man (born 18 June 1952) is a South Korean record producer and executive, best known as the founder of SM Entertainment, a multinational entertainment company based in Seoul, South Korea.
- Go Soo
Go Soo (born October 4, 1978), also known as Ko Soo, is a South Korean actor.
- Im Soo-jung
Im Soo-jung (born July 11, 1979) is a South Korean actress.
- Carmen Soo
Soo Wai Ming (simplified Chinese: 苏慧敏; traditional Chinese: 蘇慧敏; pinyin: Su Huimin; (born 14 October 1977), better known by her stage name Carmen Soo, is a Malaysian Chinese model and actress.
- Soo Ae
Park Soo-ae (born September 16, 1979), known mononymously as Soo Ae, is a South Korean actress.
- Kim Ji-soo (actress)
Kim Ji-soo (born Yang Sung-yoon on October 24, 1972) is a South Korean actress.
- Lee Soo-geun
Lee Soo-geun (Korean: 이수근; born February 10, 1975) is a South Korean comedian who has worked on a number of comedy shows on South Korean television.
- Soo Wincci
Soo Wincci (Chinese: 苏盈之; pinyin: Sū Yíngzhī) is a singer, recording artist, actress, composer, celebrity chef, host, model, beauty queen, PhD holder and entrepreneur from Malaysia.
- Choi Soo-young
Choi Soo-young (born February 10, 1990), professionally known as Sooyoung, is a South Korean singer, actress and songwriter.
- Lee Kwang-soo
Lee Kwang-soo (Korean: 이광수; born 14 July 1985) is a South Korean actor, entertainer, and model.
- Kim Soo-hyun
Kim Soo-hyun (Korean: 김수현; Hanja: 金秀賢; born February 16, 1988) is a South Korean actor best known for his roles in the television dramas Dream High (2011), Moon Embracing the Sun (2012), My Love from the Star (2013) and The Producers (2015), as well as the films The Thieves (2012), Secretly, Greatly (2013) and Real (2017).
- Lee Soo-hyuk
Lee Soo-hyuk (Korean: 이수혁; born Lee Hyuk-soo on May 31, 1988) is a South Korean model and actor.
- Ryu Soo-young
Ryu Su-young (born Eo Nam-seon on September 5, 1979) is a South Korean actor.
- Im Soo-hyang
Im Soo-hyang (Korean: 임수향; born April 19, 1990) is a South Korean actress.
- Kyung Soo-jin
Kyung Soo-jin (born November 5, 1987) is a South Korean actress.
- Ji Soo
Kim Ji-soo (Korean: 김지수; born 30 March 1993), professionally known as Ji Soo, is a South Korean actor.
- Phillipa Soo
Phillipa Soo (; born May 31, 1990) is an American actress and singer.
- Chae Soo-bin
Chae Soo-bin (born Bae Soo-bin on July 10, 1994) is a South Korean actress.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Soo Numerology: Name Soo has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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