What does the name Sona mean? What is the meaning of the name Sona
Meaning of Sona: Name Sona in the Hindi origin, means Gold, moonlight. Name Sona is of Hindi origin and is a Girl name. People with name Sona are usually Hindu by religion.
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Famous people with name Sona (Namesakes)
- Sona Jobarteh
Sona Jobarteh is a vocalist, multi-instrumentalist and composer from the Gambia and the UK. She was born in 1983 into one of the five principal Kora-playing Griot families from West Africa – she is the first female professional kora player to come from a Griot family.
- Sona MacDonald
Sona MacDonald (born May 11, 1961 in Vienna, Austria) is an Austrian-American actress and singer.
- Sona Mehring
Sona Mehring (born October 1961) is an American businesswoman and the founder and past CEO of the nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization CaringBridge.
- Sona Heiden
Sona Heiden is an Indian film actress.
- Sona Mohapatra
Sona Mohapatra (born 17 June 1976) is an Indian singer, music composer and lyricist born in Cuttack, Odisha.
- Sona Taumalolo
Sona Taumalolo (born 13 November 1981) is a Tongan born New Zealand-based rugby union player who plays for FC Grenoble in the French Top 14.
- Sona Shahgeldyan
Sona Shahgeldyan (Armenian: Սոնա Շահգելդյան, born on November 18, 1986), is an Armenian singer and actress.
- SONA (singer)
Sona Sarkisyan (Armenian: Սոնա Սարկիսյան, born July 18, 1973), usually known as SONA, is an Armenian singer.
- Sona Poghosyan
Sona Poghosyan (Armenian: Սոնա Պողոսյան, born 29 June 1998) is an Armenian weightlifter.
- Pankaj Sona
Pankaj Sona (born 3 November 1993) is an Indian professional footballer who plays as a forward for Churchill Brothers in the I-League.
- SonaOne
Mikael Adam Bin Mohd Rafee Michel Lozach or Mikael Adam Lozach, better known as SonaOne is a French-Malaysian singer-songwriter and rapper.
- Sona Asatryan
Sona Asatryan (Armenian: Սոնա Ասատրյան; born 26 April 1999) is an Armenian chess Woman International Master (2017).
- Sona Movsesian
Talin Sona Movsesian (born October 13, 1982) is an Armenian American executive assistant and media personality.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Sona Numerology: Name Sona has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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