What does the name Somerville mean? What is the meaning of the name Somerville
Meaning of Somerville: Name Somerville in the English origin, means To come from the summer village. Name Somerville is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Somerville are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Somerville (Namesakes)
- Jimmy Somerville
James William Somerville (born 22 June 1961) is a Scottish pop singer and songwriter.
- Geraldine Somerville
Geraldine Margaret Agnew-Somerville (born 19 May 1967) is a British actress.
- Bonnie Somerville
Bonnie Somerville (born February 24, 1974) is an American actress and singer.
- Julia Somerville
- Greg Somerville
Greg Mardon Somerville is a New Zealand rugby union player.
- Margaret Somerville
Margaret Anne Ganley Somerville (born 13 April 1942) is Professor of Bioethics at University of Notre Dame Australia.
- Amanda Somerville
Amanda Somerville (born March 7, 1979) is an American singer-songwriter and vocal coach who resides in Wolfsburg, Germany.
- Phyllis Somerville
Phyllis Jeanne Somerville (born December 12, 1943) is an American stage, film and television actress.
- Peter Somerville
Peter Somerville (born 8 July 1968) is a former Australian rules footballer who played 160 games for Essendon in the AFL.
A ruckman, and son of John Somerville, he shared rucking duties with Paul Salmon for much of his career.
- Richard Somerville
Richard Chapin James Somerville (born 30 May 1941) is an American climate scientist who is a Distinguished Professor Emeritus at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego, where he has been a professor since 1979.
- Bud Somerville
Raymond "Bud" Somerville (born January 27, 1937 in Superior, Wisconsin) is an American curler.
- Ian Somerville
Ian Somerville (born September 1, 2000) is an American ice dancer, who currently competes with Katarina DelCamp.
- Tim Somerville
Tim Somerville (born 1960) is an American curler.
- Jason Somerville
Jason Scott 'JCarver' Somerville (born April 15, 1987) is an American poker player specializing in Texas Hold'em.
- Frank Somerville
Frank William Somerville (born March 19, 1958) is an American journalist.
- Patrick Somerville
Patrick Somerville (born April 14, 1979) is an American novelist and television writer living in Chicago, Illinois, United States.
- Jane Somerville
Jane Somerville (née Platnauer; 24 January 1933) is a British emeritus professor of cardiology, Imperial College, who is best known for defining the concept and subspecialty of grown ups with congenital heart disease (GUCH) and being chosen as the physician involved with Britain's first heart transplantation in 1968.
- Pat Somerville
Pat Somerville (born April 11, 1980) is an American politician from Michigan.
- Gronya Somerville
Gronya Somerville (born 10 May 1995) is an Australian professional badminton player specializing in doubles.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Somerville Numerology: Name Somerville has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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