What does the name Soledad mean? What is the meaning of the name Soledad
Meaning of Soledad: Name Soledad in the Spanish origin, means Solitude. Name Soledad is of Spanish origin and is a Girl name. People with name Soledad are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Soledad (Namesakes)
- Soledad O'Brien
María de la Soledad Teresa O'Brien (born September 19, 1966) is an American broadcast journalist and executive producer.
- Soledad Pastorutti
Soledad "La Sole" Pastorutti (born October 12, 1980 in Arequito, Santa Fe) is an Argentine folk singer, who brought the genre to the younger generations at the end of the 20th century, and the beginning of the 21st.
- Soledad Bravo
Soledad Bravo (born January 1, 1943) is a Venezuelan singer.
- Soledad Villamil
Soledad Villamil (born June 19, 1969 in La Plata) is an Argentine film and television actress and singer.
- Soledad Fandiño
Soledad Fandiño (born 7 April 1982) is an Argentine stage, television and film actress.
- Soledad García
Agustina Soledad "Sole" García (born June 12, 1981) is a retired Argentine field hockey player.
- Soledad Solaro
Soledad Solaro Maxwell (Spanish pronunciation: [soleˈðað soˈlaɾo]; October 24, 1978, in Realicó, La Pampa) is an Argentine model and television personality.
- Soledad Puértolas
Soledad Puértolas Villanueva (born Saragossa, 3 February 1947) is a Spanish writer, and on 28 January 2010 was named an inmortal or member of the Real Academia Española.
- Shalani Soledad
Shalani Carla San Ramón Soledad-Romulo (born April 27, 1980) is a Filipina politician and TV personality.
- Soledad Reyes
Soledad Sarmiento Reyes (born 5 March 1946) is a distinguished and recognized Philippine literature scholar, literary and art critic, author, anthologist, consultant, professor, instructor, editor, annotator, researcher, and essayist in the Philippines.
- Soledad Gonzalez de Huguet
Soledad Gonzalez de Huguet (born 24 September 1934) is an Argentine chess player who hold the title of Woman International Master (WIM, 1957).
- Soledad Murillo
Soledad Murillo de la Vega (born 21 April 1956) is a Spanish feminist sociologist, researcher, and politician.
- Soledad Garay
María Soledad Garay Cabrera (born 27 November 1996), known as Soledad Garay, is a Paraguayan footballer who plays as a midfielder for Deportivo Capiatá and the Paraguay women's national team.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Soledad Numerology: Name Soledad has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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