What does the name Sol mean? What is the meaning of the name Sol
Meaning of Sol: Name Sol in the Hebrew, Spanish origin, means One who brings peace. Name Sol is of Hebrew, Spanish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Sol are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Sol (Namesakes)
- Sol Campbell
Sulzeer Jeremiah Campbell (born 18 September 1974) is an English professional football manager and former player who is currently the manager of League One club Southend United.
- Park Sol-mi
Park Sol-mi (born Park Hye-jeong on January 3, 1978) is a South Korean actress.
- Sol Kyung-gu
Sol Kyung-gu (born May 1, 1968) is a South Korean actor.
- Sol Wachtler
Solomon "Sol" Wachtler (born (1930-04-29)April 29, 1930) is an American lawyer and Republican politician from New York.
- Manuel Sol
Bernardo Manuel Sol Sañudo (born 31 August 1973) is a former Mexican football player and current analyst for Telemundo Deportes.
- Luis del Sol
Luis del Sol Cascajares (born 6 April 1935) is a Spanish retired football midfielder and manager.
- Sol Bamba
Souleymane Bamba (born 13 January 1985) is a professional footballer who plays for Championship club Cardiff City and the Ivorian national team as a centre-back.
- Kim Sol-song
Kim Sol-song (Korean: 김설송, born 30 December 1974) is the daughter of North Korea's former leader Kim Jong-il and Kim Young-sook.
- Sol (musician)
Sol Alexander Rosenberg (born December 7, 1988), better known as Sol or Solzilla, is an American hip hop artist.
- Sol Phenduka
Sol Phenduka is a South African radio personality, DJ, music producer,reality TV star, composer and songwriter.
- Priscila Sol
Priscila Sol (born 14 April 1980, in São Paulo) is a Brazilian actress.
- Fran Sol
Francisco 'Fran' Sol Ortiz (born 13 March 1992) is a Spanish footballer who plays for Ukrainian club FC Dynamo Kyiv as a forward.
- Sol Rodríguez
María Soledad Rodríguez Belli (Spanish pronunciation: [sol roˈðɾiɣes]; born 17 April 1990), known by her stage name Sol Rodríguez, is an Argentinian actress and model, of Spanish and Italian descent.
- Augustus Sol Invictus
Augustus Sol Invictus (Latin: majestic unconquered sun; born Austin Gillespie; July 31, 1983) is an American far-right politician, attorney, and white nationalist who is currently on trial for domestic violence and firearms charges.
- Kim Jin-sol
Kim Jin-sol (born November 3, 1993) is a South Korean beauty pageant titleholder who was crowned Miss Korea 2016.
- Stephanie Sol
Stephanie Sol (born January 22, 1990) is a Filipina actress.
- Sol Harris
Sol Harris (born 19 March 1990) is a British producer, director, writer and podcaster.
- Sol Seppy
Sol Seppy is the stage name of Sophie Michalitsianos (born December 31, 1980), an English singer, songwriter and musician.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Sol Numerology: Name Sol has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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