What does the name Sloane mean? What is the meaning of the name Sloane
Meaning of Sloane: Name Sloane in the Celtic, Gaelic, Irish origin, means He is a warrior in heart. Name Sloane is of Celtic, Gaelic, Irish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Sloane are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Sloane (Namesakes)
- Neil Sloane
Neil James Alexander Sloane (born October 10, 1939) is a British-American mathematician.
- Lindsay Sloane
Lindsay Sloane Leikin-Rollins (born August 8, 1977) is an American actress.
- Rick Sloane
Rick Sloane (born August 22, 1961) is an American cult filmmaker.
- Michael Sloane
Michael Sloane (born January 29, 1959) is an American screenwriter, known for writing the 2001 drama film The Majestic directed by his Hollywood High School friend Frank Darabont, and starring Jim Carrey.
- Sloane Crosley
Sloane Crosley (born August 3, 1978) is a writer living in New York City and the author of the collections of essays, I Was Told There'd Be Cake and How Did You Get This Number.
- Carol Sloane
Carol Sloane (born March 5, 1937) is an American jazz singer born in Providence, Rhode Island, who has been singing professionally since she was 14, although for a time in the 1970s she worked as a legal secretary in Raleigh, North Carolina.
- Kellie Sloane
Kellie Anne Sloane (born 5 January 1973) is a former Australian television journalist.
- Barry Sloane
Barry Sloane (born Barry Paul Sloan; 10 February 1981) is an English actor.
- Sidney Sloane
Sidney Sloane (born Gary Gibson; 7 June 1967) is a British radio and television actor/presenter.
- Rory Sloane
Rory Sloane (born 17 March 1990) is a professional Australian rules footballer playing for the Adelaide Football Club in the Australian Football League (AFL).
- Sloane Stephens
Sloane Stephens (born March 20, 1993) is an American professional tennis player.
- Susan Sloane
Susan Sloane (born December 5, 1970) is a retired American professional tennis player.
- Shae Sloane
Shaye Sloane (born (1992-05-01)1 May 1992) is an Australian female AFLW player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Sloane Numerology: Name Sloane has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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