What does the name Skylar mean? What is the meaning of the name Skylar
Meaning of Skylar: Name Skylar in the Dutch origin, means The isle of skye. Name Skylar is of Dutch origin and is a Unisex name. People with name Skylar are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Skylar (Namesakes)
- Skylar Grey
Holly Brook Hafermann (born February 23, 1986), known professionally as Skylar Grey, is an American singer, songwriter, and record producer from Mazomanie, Wisconsin.
- Skylar Astin
Skylar Astin Lipstein (born September 23, 1987) is an American actor, model and singer.
- Skylar Diggins-Smith
Skylar Kierra Diggins-Smith (born August 2, 1990) is an American professional basketball player for the Phoenix Mercury in the Women's National Basketball Association (WNBA).
- Skylar Laine
Skylar Laine (born Skylar Laine Harden; February 1, 1994) is an American singer from Brandon, Mississippi.
- Skylar Kergil
Skylar Kergil (born May 19, 1991) is an American transgender activist, singer-songwriter, public speaker, YouTube personality, and artist.
- Skylar Spence
Ryan DeRobertis (born February 2, 1993, known by his stage name Skylar Spence and formerly known as Saint Pepsi) is an American electronic musician and singer who grew up in Farmingville, New York and attended Boston College for two years studying music.
- Skylar Stecker
Skylar Star Stecker (born April 24, 2002) is an American singer and actress.
- Skylar Morton
Skylar Alexandra Morton (born 24 April 1994) is an American tennis player.
- Skylar Schneider
Skylar Schneider (born September 3, 1998) is an American cyclist, who currently rides for UCI Women's Continental Team Boels–Dolmans.
- Skylar Park
Skylar M.-Y. Park (born 6 June 1999) is a Canadian taekwondo athlete.
- Skylar Johnston
Skylar Anne Johnston (born February 18, 1998) is an American softball player.
- Skylar Mays
Skylar Mays (born September 5, 1997) is an American college basketball player for the LSU Tigers of the Southeastern Conference (SEC).
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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Skylar Numerology: Name Skylar has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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