What does the name Skye mean? What is the meaning of the name Skye
Meaning of Skye: Name Skye in the Norse, Scottish origin, means Cloud. Name Skye is of Norse, Scottish origin and is a Unisex name. People with name Skye are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Skye (Namesakes)
- Skye Sweetnam
Skye Alexandra Sweetnam (born May 5, 1988) is a Canadian singer-songwriter, actress, and music video director.
- Ione Skye
Ione Skye Lee (; née Ione Skye Leitch, September 4, 1970) is a British-born American actress, author, and painter.
- Skye Edwards
Skye Edwards (born Shirley Klaris Yonavieve Edwards; 27 May 1974), sometimes simply Skye, is a British singer-songwriter.
- Azura Skye
Azura Dawn Storozynski (born November 8, 1981), known professionally as Azura Skye, is an American actress who first gained recognition for her role as Jane on The WB television sitcom Zoe, Duncan, Jack and Jane.
- Alexis Skye
Alexis Skye (born August 28, 1974) is an American model.
- Skye Lourie
Skye Lourie (born 15 December 1990) is a New Zealand-British actress.
- Skye Gyngell
Skye Gyngell (born 6 September 1963), is an Australian chef who is best known for her work as food editor for Vogue, and for winning a Michelin star at the Petersham Nurseries Cafe.
- Skye Townsend
Skylar Christan "Skye" Townsend (born September 1, 1993) is an American actress, R&B-soul and pop singer.
- Justine Skye
Justine Indira Skyers, also known as Justine Skye (born August 24, 1995), is an American singer, songwriter, actress and model.
- Daniel Skye
Daniel Skye (born June 19, 2000) is an American singer and songwriter, based in Los Angeles.
- Amber Skye Noyes
Amber Skye Noyes (born February 17, 1988) is an American actress and singer, known for her portrayal of Tori Windsor in The CW series Beauty & the Beast and Celine Fox in the third season of the ABC thriller Quantico.
- Skye Nicolson
Skye Nicolson (born 27 August 1995) is an Australian boxer.
- Skye Bolt
Skye Michael Bolt (born January 15, 1994) is an American professional baseball outfielder for the Oakland Athletics of Major League Baseball (MLB).
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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Skye Numerology: Name Skye has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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