What does the name Simion mean? What is the meaning of the name Simion
Meaning of Simion: Name Simion in the Greek, Romanian origin, means Romanian form of Simeon, meaning to listen.. Name Simion is of Greek, Romanian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Simion are usually Christianity, Greek by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Simion: Romanian form of Simeon, meaning to listen.
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Famous people with name Simion (Namesakes)
- Simion Mironaș
Simion Mironaș (born 10 November 1965) is a retired Romanian football defender.
- Aurel Simion
Aurel Simion (born 7 April 1946) is a Romanian boxer.
- Gheorghe Simion
Gheorghe Simion (born 10 May 1957) is a Romanian boxer.
- Valentin Simion
Valentin Alexandru Simion (born 6 October 1986 in Bucharest, Romania) is a retired Romanian footballer.
- Viorel Simion
Viorel Simion (born October 19, 1981) is a Romanian professional boxer.
- Simion Furdui
Simion Furdui (born 9 July 1963) is a Moldovan politician former member of the Moldovan Parliament.
- Dario Simion
Dario Simion (born May 22, 1994) is a Swiss professional ice hockey forward who is currently playing for EV Zug of the National League (NL).
- Nae-Simion Pleșca
Nae-Simion Pleşca (born 13 September 1955 or 1957) is a politician from Moldova.
- Simion Grișciuc
Simion Grişciuc (born August 25, 1977) is a politician from Moldova.
- Paolo Simion
Paolo Simion (born 10 October 1992) is an Italian professional racing cyclist, who currently rides for UCI Continental team Tianyoude Hotel Cycling Team.
- Gabriel Simion
Gabriel Simion (born 29 May 1998 in Bucharest) is a Romanian footballer who plays as a defensive midfielder for Astra Giurgiu, on loan from FCSB.
- Nicolae Simion
Nicolae Simion (born 17 May 1952) is a Romanian rower.
- Cristina Simion
Cristina Simion (née Negru born 20 November 1991) is a Romanian female mountain runner, world champion at the World Long Distance Mountain Running Championships (2018).
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Simion Numerology: Name Simion has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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