What does the name Silvana mean? What is the meaning of the name Silvana
Meaning of Silvana: Name Silvana in the Italian, Spanish origin, means A woman of the woods. Name Silvana is of Italian, Spanish origin and is a Girl name. People with name Silvana are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Silvana (Namesakes)
- Silvana Arias
Silvana Arias (born April 7, 1982 in Lima) is a Peruvian actress.
- Silvana Suárez
Silvana Rosa Suárez Clarence (Spanish pronunciation: [silˈβana ˈswaɾes]; born September 29, 1958 in Córdobaa) is an Argentine model and beauty queen who won the Miss World 1978 contest, representing Argentina.
- Silvana Santaella
Silvana Santaella Arellano (born September 29, 1983 in Caracas, Venezuela) is a beauty pageant titleholder.
- Silvana Bucher
Silvana Bucher (born 3 February 1984) is a Swiss cross-country skier who has competed since 2001.
- Silvana Giancola
Silvana Giancola (born 24 February 1962) is an Argentine fencer.
- Silvana Totolo
Silvana Totolo (born 14 October 1986) is a team handball player from Argentina.
- Silvana Chojnowski
Silvana Chojnowski (born 17 April 1994) is a football striker, currently playing for Köln in the Bundesliga and the Poland women's national football team.
- Silvana Saldarriaga
Silvana Saldarriaga (born 13 March 1993) is a Peruvian female weighlifter.
- Silvana Tabares
Silvana Tabares (born January 7, 1979) is a member of the Chicago City Council from the 23rd ward.
- Silvana Burtini
Silvana Burtini (born May 10, 1969) is a Canadian former soccer player.
- Silvana Sciarra
Silvana Sciarra (born 24 July 1948) is an Italian judge.
- Silvana Lima
Silvana Lima is a Brazilian professional surfer.
- Silvana Imam
Silvana Imam (pronounced , born 19 September 1986) is a Swedish rapper.
- Silvana Blagoeva
Silvana Blagoeva (Bulgarian: Силвана Благоева, born 14 July 1972) is a Bulgarian biathlete.
- Silvana Chausheva
Silvana Chausheva (Bulgarian: Силвана Чаушева) (born 19 May 1995) is a Bulgarian female volleyball player, playing as an opposite.
- Silvana Stanco
Silvana Stanco (born 6 January 1993) is an Italian sport shooter.
- Silvana Cucchietti
Silvana Cucchietti (born 30 December 1957) is a former Italian female long-distance runner who competed at individual senior level at the IAAF World Women's Road Race Championships.
She won Rome Marathon in 1990, Turin Marathon in 1988, Ferrara Marathon in 1990 and 1991 and Roma-Ostia Half Marathon in 1987.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Silvana Numerology: Name Silvana has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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