What does the name Silke mean? What is the meaning of the name Silke
Meaning of Silke: Name Silke in the Old German, Frisian, German origin, means Frisian for of Cecily. It means blind.. Name Silke is of Old German, Frisian, German origin and is a Girl name. People with name Silke are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Silke: Frisian for of Cecily. It means blind.
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Famous people with name Silke (Namesakes)
- Silke Hörner
Silke Hörner (born 12 September 1965) is a German former breaststroke swimmer, a leading member of the 1980s East German swimming team.
- Silke Spiegelburg
Silke Spiegelburg (born 17 March 1986 in Georgsmarienhütte, Lower Saxony) is a German pole vaulter.
- Silke Schwager
Silke Schwager (née Braun, born 8 April 1969 in Oberwiesenthal, East Germany) is a Swiss cross-country skier who competed from 1987 to 1994.
- Silke Rottenberg
Silke Rottenberg (born 25 January 1972 in Euskirchen) is a former German football goalkeeper.
- Silke Meier
Silke Meier (born 13 July 1968) is a former professional tennis player from Germany who played on the WTA tour from 1985 to 1999.
- Seán Silke
Seán Silke (born 27 September 1950) is an Irish retired hurler who played as a centre-back for the Galway senior team.
Born in Meelick, County Galway, Silke first played competitive hurling in his youth.
- Ray Silke
Ray Silke (born 17 August 1970) is a former Irish sportsperson.
- Silke Lippok
Silke Lippok (born 31 January 1994) is a German swimmer.
- Silke (actress)
Silke Hornillos Klein better known as Silke (born 6 February 1974) is a Spanish actress.
- Liam Silke
Liam Silke (born 22 November 1994) is an Irish sportsperson, who plays intercounty Gaelic football for Galway.
- Silke Abicht
Silke Abicht (born 7 October 1968) is a German diver.
- Silke Frankl
Silke Frankl (born 29 May 1970) is a former professional tennis player from Germany.
- Silke Van Avermaet
Silke Van Avermaet (born (1999-06-02)2 June 1999) is a Belgian female volleyball player.
- Silke Launert
Silke Launert (born 27 December 1976) is a German politician.
Do you know any famous people named Silke, let us know and we would update the information.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Silke Numerology: Name Silke has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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